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Download/Print (PDF) {Sermon at GNC, 2014-11-29} .

3 Traits of a True Christian

  1. Believes in the teachings of the Holy Bible – especially in Jesus as Savior – the spotless Lamb of God

  2. Confesses his/her sins to God, believing in God’s freely-given forgiveness, love and acceptance

  3. Trusts God enough to humbly follow Him wherever He leads, in an attitude of submission

7 Privileges of a True Christian – from Philippians 4

  1. Constant Joy

    1. Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – ________________ – Philippians 4:4

    2. What brings joy to the Christian? ___________________________ – Romans 15:13

  2. Absolute Freedom from Care (worry)

    1. Don’t __________ about anything. Instead ___________ about everything… – Philippians 4:6

    2. The Lord is like a father to His children, _____________ & _______________ – Psalm 103:13-14

    3. Cast all your ____________ on Him, for He _____________ for you – 1 Peter 5:7

  3. Abounding Peace

    1. God’s peace with will guard your ____________ & ____________ – Philippians 4:7

    2. My _____________ I give to you –Jesus – John 14:27

  4. An Ever-present Friend

    1. The God of peace will be ___________ _________ – Philippians 4:9

    2. A friend ______________ at all times – Proverbs 17:17

  5. Never-failing Contentment

    1. I have learned to be __________________ with whatever I have – Philippians 4:11

    2. _______ things work together for good… – Romans 8:28

    3. I give unto them _______________ ____________ –Jesus in John 10:27-28

  6. All-prevailing Strength

    1. I can do __________ ______________ through Christ, who gives me strength – Philippians 4:13

    2. God’s strength is made perfect in my _____________________ – 2 Corinthians 12:9

    3. To all who _____________ & ______________ Jesus, He gives power… – John 1:12

  7. Inexhaustible Supplies for Every Need

    1. God will supply all your need, according to His _____________ in glory... – Philippians 4:19

3 Responsibilities of a True Christian Micah 6:6-8

  1. To Do Justly(what is right – by the power of God working in us)

  2. To Love Mercy(for others as much as we love mercy for ourselves)

  3. To Walk(trust & obey) Humbly With our God

Desiring to live by every word that comes from the mouth of Jehovah ( Deut8:3; Matt4:4 )

-Sid Nash: 01/10/2025. Latest version: http://sidnash.org/docs/7ChristianBenefits.html