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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Nehemiah 9:16 "But they and our fathers1 dealt proudly2102 and hardened7185 their neck,6203 didn't listen8085 to your commandments,4687 17 and refused3985 to obey,8085 neither were they mindful2142 of your wonders6381 that you did6213 among them, but hardened7185 their neck,6203 and in their rebellion4805 appointed5414 a captain7218 to return7725 to their bondage.5659 But you are a God433 ready to pardon,5547 gracious2587 and merciful,7349 slow750 to anger,639 and abundant7227 in loving kindness,2617 and didn't forsake5800 them. 18 Yes, when they had made6213 them a molten4541 calf,5695 and said,559 ‘This is your God430 who brought you up5927 out of Egypt,'4714 and had committed6213 awful1419 blasphemies;5007

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