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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
13 Verses Found

John 5:19 Jesus2424 therefore3767 answered611 and2532 said2036 unto them,846 Verily,281 verily,281 I say3004 unto you,5213 The Son5207 can1410 do4160 3756 nothing3762 of575 himself,1438 but3361 what5100 he seeth991 the Father3962 doing:4160 for1063 what5100 things3739 soever302 he1565 doeth,4160 these5023 the Son5207 also2532 doeth4160 in like manner.3668 ...

John 5:30 I1473 can1410 of575 myself1683 do4160 3756 nothing:3762 as2531 I hear,191 I judge:2919 and2532 my1699 judgment2920 is2076 righteous;1342 because3754 I seek2212 not3756 mine own1699 will,2307 but235 the will2307 of him3962 that sent3992 me.3165

Zephaniah 3:16 In that day3117 it shall be said559 to Jerusalem,3389 Fear3372 thou not; O{Or, and to Zion} Zion,6726 let not thy hands3027 be slack.7503 17 Jehovah3068 thy God430 is in the midst7130 of thee, a mighty1368 one who will save;3467 he will rejoice7797 over thee with joy;8057 he will rest2790{Hebrew be silent.} in his love;160 he will joy1523 over thee with singing.7440

2 Corinthians 12:9 And2532 he hath said2046 unto me,3427 My3450 grace5485 is sufficient714 for thee:4671 for1063 my3450 power1411 is made perfect5048 in1722 weakness.769 Most gladly2236 therefore3767 will I2744 rather3123 glory2744 in1722 my3450 weaknesses,769 that2443 the power1411 of Christ5547 may rest1981{Or, cover me. Greek spread a tabernacle over me. See Rev. 7:15.} upon1909 me.1691

Hebrews 11:34 quenched4570 the power1411 of fire,4442 escaped5343 the edge4750 of the sword,3162 from575 weakness769 were made strong,1743 waxed1096 mighty2478 in1722 war,4171 turned to flight2827 armies3925 of aliens.245

Hebrews 4:15 For1063 we have2192 not3756 a high priest749 that1410 cannot3361 be touched with the feeling4834 of our2257 infirmities;769 but1161 one that hath been3985 in2596 all points3956 tempted3985 3987 like2596 as3665 we are, yet without5565 sin.266 16 Let us4334 therefore3767 draw4334 near3326 with boldness3954 unto the throne2362 of grace,5485 that2443 we may receive2983 mercy,1656 and2532 may find2147 grace5485 to help996 us in time of1519 need.2121

John 15:5 I1473 am1510 the vine,288 ye5210 are the branches:2814 He that abideth3306 in1722 me,1698 and I2504 in1722 him,846 the same3778 beareth5342 much4183 fruit:2590 for3754 apart5565 from me1700 3756 ye can1410 do4160 nothing.3762

Philippians 4:13 I can do2480 all things3956 in1722 him5547 that3588 strengtheneth1743 me.3165

1 Chronicles 29:11 Thine, O Jehovah,3068 is the greatness,1420 and the power,1369 and the glory,8597 and the victory,5331 and the majesty:1935 for all that is in the heavens8064 and in the earth776 is thine; thine is the kingdom,4467 O Jehovah,3068 and thou art exalted4984 as head above all.7218

Genesis 17:1 And when Abram87 was ninety8673 years8141 old1121 and nine,8672 Jehovah3068 appeared7200 to Abram,87 and said559 unto him, I am God410{Hebrew El Shaddai.} Almighty;7706 walk1980 before me,6440 and be thou perfect.8549

Exodus 6:3 and I appeared7200 unto Abraham,85 unto Isaac,3327 and unto Jacob,3290 as God410{Hebrew El Shaddai.} Almighty;7706 but by{Or, as to} my name8034 Jehovah3068 I was not known{Or, made known} to them.3045

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