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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Romans 16:1 I commend4921 to you5213 Phoebe,5402 our2257 sister,79 who is5607 a servant1249{or, deacon} of the assembly1577 that is3588 at1722 Cenchreae,2747 2 that2443 you receive4327 her846 in1722 the Lord,2962 in a way worthy516 of the saints,40 and2532 that2443 you assist3936 her846 in1722 whatever302 matter4229 she846 may need5535 from you,5216 for1063 she846 herself3778 also has been1096 a helper of many,4183 and2532 of my846 own1700 self.

Romans 16:3 Greet782 Prisca4252 and2532 Aquila,207 my3450 fellow workers4904 in1722 Christ5547 Jesus,2424 4 who3748 for5228 my3450 life,5590 laid down5294 their own1438 necks;5137 to whom3739 not3756 only3441 I1473 give thanks,2168 but235 also2532 all3956 the assemblies1577 of the Gentiles.1484 5 Greet the assembly1577 that is in2596 their846 house.3624 Greet782 Epaenetus,1866 my3450 beloved,27 who3739 is2076 the first fruits536 of Achaia882 to1519 Christ.5547 6 Greet782 Mary,3137 who3748 labored2872 much4183 for1519 us.2248 7 Greet782 Andronicus408 and2532 Junia,2458 my3450 relatives4773 and2532 my3450 fellow prisoners,4869 who3748 are1526 notable1978 among1722 the apostles,652 who3739 also2532 were1096 in1722 Christ5547 before4253 me.1700 8 Greet782 Amplias,291 my3450 beloved27 in1722 the Lord.2962 9 Greet782 Urbanus,3773 our2257 fellow worker4904 in1722 Christ,5547 and2532 Stachys,4720 my3450 beloved.27 10 Greet782 Apelles,559 the approved1384 in1722 Christ.5547 Greet782 those who are3588 of1537 the household of Aristobulus.711 11 Greet782 Herodion,2267 my3450 kinsman.4773 Greet782 them3488 of1537 the3488 household of Narcissus,3488 who are3588 in1722 the Lord.2962 12 Greet782 Tryphaena5170 and2532 Tryphosa,5173 who labor2872 in1722 the Lord.2962 Greet782 Persis,4069 the beloved,27 who3748 labored2872 much4183 in1722 the Lord.2962 13 Greet782 Rufus,4504 the chosen1588 in1722 the Lord,2962 and2532 his846 mother3384 and2532 mine.1700 14 Greet782 Asyncritus,799 Phlegon,5393 Hermes,2060 Patrobas,3969 Hermas,2057 and2532 the brothers80{The word for “brothers” here and where context allows may also be correctly translated “brothers and sisters” or “siblings.”} who are with4862 them.846 15 Greet782 Philologus5378 and2532 Julia,2456 Nereus3517 and2532 his846 sister,79 and2532 Olympas,3652 and2532 all3956 the saints40 who are with4862 them.846 16 Greet782 one another240 with1722 a5370 holy40 kiss.5370 The assemblies1577 of Christ5547 greet782 you.5209

Romans 16:17 Now1161 I beg3870 you,5209 brothers,80 look4648 out for those who are causing4160 the divisions1370 and2532 occasions of stumbling,4625 contrary to3844 the doctrine1322 which3739 you5210 learned,3129 and2532 turn away1578 from575 them.846 18 For1063 those who are such5108 don't3756 serve1398 our2257 Lord,2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 but235 their own1438 belly;2836 and2532 by1223 their smooth5542 and2532 flattering speech,2129 they deceive1818 the hearts2588 of the innocent.172 19 For1063 your5216 obedience5218 has become known to1519 all.3956 I rejoice5463 therefore3767 over1909 you.5213 But1161 I desire2309 to have2309 you5209 wise4680 in1519 that which is good,18 but1161 innocent185 in that1519 which is evil.2556 20 And1161 the God2316 of peace1515 will quickly5034 crush4937 Satan4567 under5259 your5216 feet.4228 The grace5485 of2962 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ5547 be with3326 you.5216

Romans 16:21 Timothy,5095 my3450 fellow worker,4904 greets782 you,5209 as do Lucius,3066 Jason,2394 and2532 Sosipater,4989 my3450 relatives.4773 22 I,1473 Tertius,5060 who write1125 the letter,1992 greet782 you5209 in1722 the Lord.2962 23 Gaius,1050 my3450 host3581 and2532 host of the1577 whole3650 assembly,1577 greets you.5209 Erastus,2037 the1577 treasurer3623 of the city,4172 greets782 you,5209 as2532 does Quartus,2890 the brother.80 24 The grace5485 of2962 our2257 Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ5547 be with3326 you5216 all!3956 Amen.281 25 {TR places Romans 14:24-26 at the end of Romans instead of at the end of chapter 14, and numbers these verses 16:25-27.} Now1161 to him who is able1410 to establish4741 you5209 according2596 to my3450 Good News2098 and2532 the preaching of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 according2596 to the revelation602 of the mystery3466 which has been kept secret4601 through long5550 ages,166 26 but1161 now3568 is revealed,5319 and5037 by1223 the Scriptures1124 of the prophets,4397 according2596 to the commandment2003 of the eternal166 God,2316 is made known1107 for1519 obedience5218 of faith4102 to1519 all3956 the nations;1484 27 to the only3441 wise4680 God,2316 through1223 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 to whom be the glory1391 forever!165 Amen.281{TR places verses 24-26 after Romans 16:24 as verses 25-27.}

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