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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
6 Verses Found

Romans 3:22 Even1161 the righteousness1343 of God2316 which is by1223 faith4102 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 unto1519 all3956 and2532 upon1909 all3956 them that believe:4100 for1063 there is2076 no3756 difference:1293 23 For1063 all3956 have sinned,264 and2532 come short5302 of the glory1391 of God;2316 24 Being justified1344 freely1432 by his846 grace5485 through1223 the redemption629 that is in1722 Christ5547 Jesus:2424 25 Whom3739 God2316 hath set forth4388{Or, foreordained} to be a propitiation2435 through1223 faith4102 in1722 his846 blood,129 to1519 declare1732 his846 righteousness1343 for1223 the remission3929{Or, passing over} of sins265 that are past,4266 through1722 the forbearance463 of God;2316 26 To4314 declare,1732 I say, at1722 this3568 time2540 his846 righteousness:1343 that1519 he might be1511 just,1342 and2532 the justifier1344 of him846 which believeth4102 in1537 Jesus.2424

Romans 3:27 Where4226 is boasting2746 then?3767 It is excluded.1576 By1223 what4169 law?3551 of works?2041 Nay:3780 but235 by1223 the law3551 of faith.4102

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