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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

Romans 12:19 Don't3361 seek revenge1556 yourselves,1438 beloved,27 but235 give1325 place5117 to God's wrath.3709 For1063 it is written,1125 "Vengeance1557 belongs to me;1698 I1473 will repay,467 says3004 the Lord."2962{Deuteronomy 32:35} 20 Therefore3767 "If1437 your4675 enemy2190 is hungry,3983 feed5595 him.846 If1437 he is thirsty,1372 give4222 him846 a drink;4222{Proverbs 25:21-22} for1063 in doing4160 so,5124 you will heap4987 coals440 of fire4442 on1909 his846 head."2776

Romans 12:21 Don't3361 be3528 overcome3528 by5259 evil,2556 but235 overcome3528 evil2556 with1722 good.18

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