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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Revelation 2:9 "I know1492 your4675 works,2041 oppression,2347 and2532 your poverty4432 (but1161 you are1488 rich),4145 and2532 the blasphemy988 of those who3588 say3004 they1438 are1511 Jews,2453 and2532 they1438 are1526 not,3756 but235 are a synagogue4864 of Satan.4567 10 Don't3367 be afraid5399 of the things which3739 you are about3195 to suffer.3958 Behold,2400 the devil1228 is about3195 to throw906 some of1537 you5216 into1519 prison,5438 that2443 you may be tested;3985 and2532 you1096 will have2192 oppression2347 for ten1176 days.2250 Be faithful4103 to891 death,2288 and2532 I will give1325 you4671 the crown4735 of life.2222 ...

Revelation 2:13 "I know1492 your4675 works2041 and2532 where4226 you dwell,2730 where3699 Satan's4567 throne2362 is.2532 You hold firmly2902 to my3450 name,3686 and2532 720 didn't3756 deny720 my3450 faith4102 in1722 the days2250 1722 of3739 Antipas493 my3450 witness,3144 my3450 faithful4103 one, who3739 was killed615 among3844 you,5213 where3699 Satan4567 dwells.2730 ... 24 But1161 to you5213 I say,3004 to2532 the rest3062 who are in1722 Thyatira,2363 as3745 many as3745 don't3756 have2192 this3778 teaching,1322 who3748 don't3756 know1097 what some call ‘the deep things899 of Satan,'4567 to you5209 I say,3004 I am not putting906 any3756 other243 burden922 on1909 you.5209

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