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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
20 Verses Found

Revelation 1:1 This2532 is the Revelation602 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3739 God2316 gave1325 him846 to show1166 to his846 servants1401 the things which3739 must1163 happen soon,1096 1722 which2532 he sent649 and2532 made known4591 by1223 his846 angel32{or, messenger (here and wherever angel is mentioned)} to his846 servant,1401 John,2491 2 who3739 testified3140 to God's2316 word,3056 and2532 of the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 about5037 everything that3745 he saw.1492

Revelation 1:3 Blessed3107 is he who reads314 and2532 those who hear191 the words3056 of the prophecy,4394 and2532 keep5083 the things that are written1125 in1722 it,846 for1063 the time2540 is at hand.1451

Revelation 1:4 John,2491 to the1577 seven2033 assemblies1577 that are in1722 Asia:773 Grace5485 to you5213 and2532 peace,1515 from575 God, who is5607 and2532 who was2258 and2532 who is to come;2064 and2532 from575 the4151 seven2033 Spirits4151 who3739 are2076 before1799 his846 throne;2362 5 and2532 from575 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 the faithful4103 witness,3144 the firstborn4416 of1537 the dead,3498 and2532 the ruler758 of the kings935 of the earth.1093 To him who loves25 us,2248 and2532 washed3068 us2248 from575 our2257 sins266 by1722 his846 blood;129 6 and2532 he made4160 us2248 to be a Kingdom,935 2532 priests2409{Exodus 19:6; Isaiah 61:6} to his846 God2316 and2532 Father;3962 to him846 be the glory1391 and2532 the dominion2904 1519 forever165 and ever.165 Amen.281

Revelation 1:7 Behold,2400{“Behold”, from “ἰδοὺ”, means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.} he is coming2064 with3326 the clouds,3507 and2532 every3956 eye3788 will see3700 him,846 including2532 those who3748 pierced1574 him.846 2532 All3956 the tribes5443 of the earth1093 will mourn2875 over1909 him.846 Even so,3483 Amen.281

Revelation 1:8 "I1473 am1510 the Alpha1 and2532 the Omega,"5598{TR omits “God”} says3004 the Lord2962 God, "who is5607 and2532 who was2258 and2532 who is to come,2064 the Almighty."3841

Revelation 1:9 I1473 John,2491 2532 your5216 brother80 and2532 partner4791 with you in1722 oppression,2347 2532 1722 Kingdom,932 and2532 perseverance5281 in Christ5547 Jesus,2424 was1096 on1722 the isle3520 that is called2564 Patmos3963 because1223 of God's2316 Word3056 and2532 1223 the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ.5547 10 I was1096 in1722 the Spirit4151 on1722 the2250 Lord's2960 day,2250 and2532 I heard191 behind3694 me3450 a loud3173 voice,5456 like5613 a trumpet4536 11 saying,3004{TR adds “which are in Asia”} "What3739 you see,991 write1125 in1473 a book975 and2532 send3992 to the seven2033 assemblies:1577 to1519 Ephesus,2181 Smyrna,4667 Pergamum,4010 Thyatira,2363 Sardis,4554 Philadelphia,5359 and2532 to1519 Laodicea."2993

Revelation 1:12 2532 I turned1994 to see991 the voice5456 that3748 spoke2980 with3326 me.1700 2532 Having turned,1994 I saw1492 seven2033 golden lampstands.5552 13 And2532 1722 among3319 the2033 lampstands3087 was one like3664 a son5207 of man,444{Daniel 7:13} clothed1746 with a robe reaching down to his feet,4158 and2532 with a golden5552 4024 sash2223 around4314 his chest.3149 14 846 His846 head2776 and2532 his hair2359 were white3022 as5613 white3022 wool,2053 like snow.5510 2532 His846 eyes3788 were like5613 a flame5395 of fire.1161 15 2532 His846 feet4228 were like3664 burnished brass,5474 as if5613 it had been refined4448 in1722 a furnace.2575 2532 His846 voice5456 was like5613 the voice5456 of5204 many4183 waters.5204 16 2532 He had2192 seven2033 stars792 in1722 his846 right1188 hand.5495 2532 Out of1537 his846 mouth4750 proceeded1607 a sharp3691 two-edged1366 sword.4501 2532 His846 face3799 was like5613 the sun2246 shining5316 at1722 its846 brightest.1411 17 2532 When3753 I saw1492 him,846 I fell4098 at4314 his846 feet4228 like5613 a dead3498 man.2532 He laid2007 his846 right1188 hand5495 on1909 me,1691 saying,3004 3427 "Don't3361 be afraid.5399 I1473 am1510 the first4413 and2532 the last,2078 18 and2532 the Living2198 one.2532 I was1096 dead,3498 and2532 behold,2400 I am1510 alive2198 forevermore.1519 165 Amen.281 2532 I have2192 the keys2807 of Death2532 and2532 of Hades.86{or, Hell} 19 Write1125 therefore the things which3739 you have seen,1492 and2532 the things which3739 are,1526 and2532 the things which3739 will3195 happen1096 3326 hereafter;5023 20 the mystery3466 of the seven2033 stars792 which3739 you saw1492 in1909 my3450 right hand,1188 and2532 the seven2033 golden5552 lampstands.3087 The seven2033 stars792 are1526 the angels32{or, messengers (here and wherever angels are mentioned)} of the seven2033 assemblies.1577 2532 The seven2033 lampstands3087 3739 1492 are1526 seven2033 assemblies."1577

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