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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Revelation 5:6 2532 I saw1492 in1722 the midst3319 of the throne2362 and2532 of the four5064 living creatures,2226 and2532 in1722 the midst3319 of the elders,4245 a Lamb721 standing,2476 as5613 though it had been slain,4969 having2192 seven2033 horns,2768 and2532 seven2033 eyes,3788 which3739 are1526 the seven2033 Spirits4151 of God,2316 sent out649 into1519 all3956 the earth.1093 7 Then2532 he came,2064 and2532 he took2983 it975 out of1537 the right hand1188 of him who sat2521 on1909 the throne.2362 8 Now2532 when3753 he had taken2983 the book,975 the four5064 living creatures2226 and2532 the twenty -1501 four5064 elders4245 fell down4098 before1799 the Lamb,721 each1538 one having2192 a harp,2788 and2532 golden5552 bowls5357 full1073 of incense,2368 which3739 are1526 the prayers4335 of the saints.40 9 2532 They sang103 a new2537 song,5603 saying,3004 "You are1488 worthy514 to take2983 the book,975 and2532 to open455 its846 seals:4973 for3754 you were killed,4969 and2532 bought59 us2248 for God2316 with1722 your4675 blood,129 out1537 of every3956 tribe,5443 language,1100 people,2992 and2532 nation,1484

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