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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Revelation 18:4 2532 I heard191 another243 voice5456 from1537 heaven,3772 saying,3004 "Come1831 out of1537 her,846 my3450 people,2992 that2443 you have4790 no3361 participation4790 in her846 sins,266 and2532 that2443 you don't3361 receive2983 of1537 her846 plagues,4127 ... 8 Therefore5124 1223 in1722 one1520 day2250 her846 plagues4127 will2240 come:2240 death,2288 2532 mourning,3997 and2532 famine;3042 and2532 she will be utterly burned2618 with1722 fire;4442 for3754 the Lord2962 God2316 who has judged2919 her846 is strong.2478

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