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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
9 Verses Found

Psalm 8:1 {For the Chief Musician; set to the Gittith. A Psalm of David.} Yahweh,3068 our Lord,3068 how majestic117 is your name8034 in all the earth,776 who has set5414 your glory1935 above the heavens!8064 2 From the lips6310 of babes5768 and infants3243 you have established3245 strength,5797 because of your adversaries,6887 that you might silence7673 the enemy341 and the avenger.5358 3 When I consider7200 your heavens,8064 the work4639 of your fingers,676 the moon3394 and the stars,3556 which you have ordained;3559 4 what is man,582 that you think2142 of him? What is the son1121 of man,120 that you care6485 for him? 5 For you have made him a little4592 lower2637 than God,430{Hebrew: Elohim. The word Elohim, used here, usually means “God”, but can also mean “gods”, “princes”, or “angels”. The Septuagint reads “angels” here.} and crowned5849 him with glory3519 and honor.3519 6 You make him ruler4910 over the works4639 of your hands.3027 You have put7896 all things under his feet:7272 7 All sheep6792 and cattle,504 yes, and the animals929 of the field,7704 8 The birds6833 of the sky,8064 the fish1709 of the sea,3220 and whatever passes through5674 the paths734 of the seas.3220 9 Yahweh,3068 our Lord,3068 how majestic117 is your name8034 in all the earth!776

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