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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
23 Verses Found

Psalm 55:1 {For the Chief Musician; on stringed instruments. Maschil of David.} Listen238 to my prayer,8605 God.430 Don't hide5956 yourself from my supplication.8467 2 Attend7181 to me, and answer6030 me. I am restless7300 in my complaint,7879 and moan,1949 3 Because of the voice6963 of the enemy,341 Because6440 of the oppression6125 of the wicked.7563 For they bring4131 suffering205 on me. In anger639 they hold a grudge7852 against me. 4 My heart3820 is severely pained2342 within7130 me. The terrors367 of death4194 have fallen5307 on me. 5 Fearfulness3374 and trembling7461 have come935 on me. Horror6427 has overwhelmed3680 me. 6 I said,559 "Oh that5414 I had wings83 like a dove!3123 Then I would fly away,5774 and be at rest.7931 7 Behold, then I would wander5074 far off.7368 I would lodge3885 in the wilderness."4057 Selah.5542 8 "I would hurry2363 to a shelter4655 from the stormy5584 wind7307 and storm."5584 9 Confuse1104 them, Lord,136 and confound6385 their language,3956 for I have seen7200 violence2555 and strife7379 in the city.5892 10 Day3119 and night3915 they prowl around5437 on its walls.2346 Malice205 and abuse5999 are also within7130 her. 11 Destructive1942 forces are within7130 her. Threats8496 and lies4820 don't depart4185 from her streets.7339 12 For it was not an enemy341 who insulted2778 me, then I could have endured5375 it. Neither was it he who hated8130 me who raised1431 himself up against me, then I would have hidden5641 myself from him. 13 But it was you, a man582 like6187 me, my companion,441 and my familiar friend.3045 14 We took sweet4985 fellowship5475 together.3162 We walked1980 in God's430 house1004 with company.7285 15 {Sheol is the place of the dead.} Let death4194 come suddenly5377 on them. Let them go down3381 alive2416 into Sheol.7585 For wickedness7451 is in their dwelling,4033 in their midst.7130 16 As for me, I will call7121 on God.430 Yahweh3068 will save3467 me. 17 Evening,6153 morning,1242 and at noon,6672 I will cry7878 out in distress.1993 He will hear8085 my voice.6963 18 He has redeemed6299 my soul5315 in peace7965 from the battle7128 that was against me, although there are many7227 who oppose me. 19 God,410 who is enthroned3427 forever,6924 will hear,8085 and answer6030 them. Selah.5542 They never change,2487 who don't fear3372 God.430 20 He raises7971 his hands3027 against his friends.7965 He has violated2490 his covenant.1285 21 His mouth6310 was smooth2505 as butter,4260 but his heart3820 was war.7128 His words1697 were softer7401 than oil,8081 yet they were drawn swords.6609

Psalm 55:22 Cast7993 your burden3053 on Yahweh,3068 and he will sustain3557 you. He will never5769 allow5414 the righteous6662 to be moved.4131 23 But you, God,430 will bring them down3381 into the pit875 of destruction.7845 Bloodthirsty1818 and deceitful4820 men582 shall not live out half2673 their days,3117 but I will trust982 in you.

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