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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
11 Verses Found

Psalm 46:1 {For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah; set to Alamoth. A Song.} God430 is our refuge4268 and strength,5797 a very3966 present4672 help5833 in trouble.6869 2 Therefore we won't be afraid,3372 though the earth776 changes,4171 though the mountains2022 are shaken4131 into the heart3820 of the seas;3220 3 though its waters4325 roar1993 and are troubled,2560 though the mountains2022 tremble7493 with their swelling.1346 Selah.5542

Psalm 46:4 There is a river,5104 the streams6388 of which make the city5892 of God430 glad,8055 the holy6918 place of the tents4908 of the Most High.5945 5 God430 is in her midst.7130 She shall not be moved.4131 God430 will help5826 her at6437 dawn.1242 6 The nations1471 raged.1993 The kingdoms4467 were moved.4131 He lifted5414 his voice,6963 and the earth776 melted.4127 7 Yahweh3068 of Armies6635 is with us. The God430 of Jacob3290 is our refuge.4869 Selah.5542

Psalm 46:8 Come,3212 see2372 Yahweh's3068 works,4659 what desolations8047 he has made7760 in the earth.776 9 He makes wars4421 cease7673 to the end7097 of the earth.776 He breaks7665 the bow,7198 and shatters7112 the spear.2595 7112 He burns8313 the chariots5699 in the fire.784 10 "Be still,7503 and know3045 that I am God.430 I will be exalted7311 among the nations.1471 I will be exalted7311 in the earth."776 11 Yahweh3068 of Armies6635 is with us. The God430 of Jacob3290 is our refuge.4869 Selah.

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