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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Psalm 45:1 {For the Chief Musician; set to Shoshannim. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. Maschil. A Song of loves.} My heart3820 overflows7370 with a noble2896 theme.1697 I recite559 my verses4639 for the king.4428 My tongue3956 is like the pen5842 of a skillful4106 writer.5608 2 You are the most excellent3302 of the sons1121 of men.120 Grace2580 has anointed3332 your lips,8193 therefore God430 has blessed1288 you forever.5769 3 Strap2296 your sword2719 on your thigh,3409 mighty1368 one: your splendor1935 and your majesty.1926 4 In your majesty1926 ride7392 on victoriously6743 on behalf1697 of truth,571 humility,6037 and righteousness.6664 Let your right hand3225 display3384 awesome deeds.3372 5 Your arrows2671 are sharp.8150 The nations5971 fall5307 under you, with arrows in the heart3820 of the king's4428 enemies.341 6 Your throne,3678 God,430 is forever5703 and ever.5769 A scepter7626 of equity4334 is the scepter7626 of your kingdom.4438 7 You have loved157 righteousness,6664 and hated8130 wickedness.7562 Therefore God,430 your God,430 has anointed4886 you with the oil8081 of gladness8342 above your fellows.2270 8 All your garments899 smell like myrrh,4753 aloes,174 and cassia.7102 Out of ivory8127 palaces1964 stringed4482 instruments have made you glad.8055 9 Kings'4428 daughters1323 are among your honorable women.3368 At your right hand3225 the queen7694 stands5324 in gold3800 of Ophir.211 10 Listen,8085 daughter,1323 consider,7200 and turn5186 your ear.241 Forget7911 your own people,5971 and also your father's1 house.1004 11 So the king4428 will desire183 your beauty,3308 honor7812 him, for he is your lord.113 12 The daughter1323 of Tyre6865 comes with a gift.4503 The rich6223 among the people5971 entreat2470 your favor.6440 13 The4428 princess1323 inside6441 is all glorious.3520 Her clothing3830 is interwoven4865 with gold.2091 14 She shall be led2986 to the king4428 in embroidered work.7553 The virgins,1330 her companions7464 who follow310 her, shall be brought935 to you. 15 With gladness8057 and rejoicing1524 they shall be led.2986 They shall enter935 into the king's4428 palace.1964 16 Your sons1121 will take the place of your fathers.1 You shall make7896 them princes8269 in all the earth.776 17 I will make your name8034 to be remembered2142 in all1755 generations.1755 Therefore the peoples5971 shall give you thanks3034 forever5769 and ever.5769

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