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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
12 Verses Found

Psalm 2:1 Why do the nations1471 rage,7283 and the peoples3816 plot1897 a vain thing?7385 2 The kings4428 of the earth776 take a stand,3320 and the rulers7336 take counsel3245 together,3162{The word “Anointed” is the same as the word for “Messiah” or “Christ”} against Yahweh,3068 and against his Anointed,4899 saying, 3 "Let's break5423 their bonds4147 apart,5423 and cast7993 their cords4147 from us." 4 {The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”} He who sits3427 in the heavens8064 will laugh.7832 The Lord136 will have them in derision.3932 5 Then he will speak1696 to them in his anger,639 and terrify926 them in his wrath:2740 6 "Yet I have set5258 my King4428 on my holy6944 hill2022 of Zion."6726 7 I will tell5608 of the decree.2706 Yahweh3068 said559 to me, "You are my son.1121 Today3117 I have become your father.3205 8 Ask7592 of me, and I will give5414 the nations1471 for your inheritance,5159 the uttermost parts657 of the earth776 for your possession.272 9 You shall break7489 them with a rod7626 of iron.1270 You shall dash them in pieces5310 like a potter's3335 vessel."3627 10 Now therefore be wise,7919 you kings.4428 Be instructed,3256 you judges8199 of the earth.776 11 Serve5647 Yahweh3068 with fear,3374 and rejoice1523 with trembling.7461 12 Give sincere homage5401 to the Son,1248{or, Kiss the son} lest he be angry,599 and you perish6 in the way,1870 for his wrath639 will soon be4592 kindled.1197 Blessed835 are all those who take refuge2620 in him.

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