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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Psalm 139:1 {For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.} Yahweh,3068 you have searched2713 me, and you know3045 me. 2 You know3045 my sitting3427 down and my rising6965 up. You perceive995 my thoughts7454 from afar.7350 3 You search2219 out my path734 and my lying down,7252 and are acquainted5532 with all my ways.1870 4 For there is not a word4405 on my tongue,3956 but, behold, Yahweh,3068 you know3045 it altogether. 5 You hem6696 me in behind268 and before.6924 You laid7896 your hand3709 on me. 6 This knowledge1847 is beyond6383 me. It's lofty.7682 I can't3201 attain it. 7 Where could I go3212 from your Spirit?7307 Or where could I flee1272 from your presence?6440 8 {Sheol is the place of the dead.} If I ascend up5266 into heaven,8064 you are there. If I make my bed3331 in Sheol,7585 behold, you are there! 9 If I take5375 the wings3671 of the dawn,7837 and settle7931 in the uttermost parts319 of the sea;3220 10 Even there your hand3027 will lead5148 me, and your right hand3225 will hold270 me. 11 If I say,559 "Surely the darkness2822 will overwhelm7779 me; the light216 around me1157 will be night;"3915 12 even the darkness2822 doesn't hide2821 from you, but the night3915 shines215 as the day.3117 The darkness2825 is like light219 to you. 13 For you formed7069 my inmost3629 being. You knit5526 me together in my mother's517 womb.990 14 I will give thanks3034 to you, for I am fearfully3372 and wonderfully made.6395 Your works4639 are wonderful.6381 My soul5315 knows3045 that very well.3966 15 My frame6108 wasn't hidden3582 from you, when I was made6213 in secret,5643 woven7551 together in the depths8482 of the earth.776 16 Your eyes5869 saw7200 my body.1564 In your book5612 they were all written,3789 the days3117 that were ordained3335 for me, when as yet there were none259 of them. 17 How precious3365 to me are your thoughts,7454 God!410 How vast6105 is their sum!7218 18 If I would count5608 them, they are more in number7235 than the sand.2344 When I wake6974 up, I am still5750 with you. 19 If only you, God,433 would kill6991 the wicked.7563 Get away5493 from me, you bloodthirsty1818 men!582 20 For they speak559 against you wickedly.4209 Your enemies6145 take5375 your name in vain.7723 21 Yahweh,3068 don't I hate8130 those who hate8130 you? Am I not grieved6962 with those who rise up8618 against you? 22 I hate8130 them with perfect8503 hatred.8135 They have become my enemies.341 23 Search2713 me, God,410 and know3045 my heart.3824 Try974 me, and know3045 my thoughts.8312 24 See7200 if there is any wicked6090 way1870 in me, and lead5148 me in the everlasting5769 way.1870

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