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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Psalm 110:1 {A Psalm of David.} Yahweh3068 says5002 to my Lord,3068 "Sit3427 at my right hand,3225 until I make7896 your enemies341 your footstool1916 for your feet." 2 Yahweh3068 will send7971 forth the rod4294 of your strength5797 out of Zion.6726 Rule7287 in the midst7130 of your enemies.341 3 Your people5971 offer themselves willingly5071 in the day3117 of your power,2428 in holy6944 array.1926 Out of the womb7358 of the morning,4891 you have the dew2919 of your youth.3208 4 Yahweh3068 has sworn,7650 and will not change5162 his mind: "You are a priest3548 forever5769 in the order1700 of Melchizedek."4442 5 The Lord136 is at your right hand.3225 He will crush4272 kings4428 in the day3117 of his wrath.639 6 He will judge1777 among the nations.1471 He will heap4390 up dead bodies.1472 He will crush4272 the ruler7218 of the whole7227 earth.776 7 He will drink8354 of the brook5158 in the way;1870 therefore he will lift up7311 his head.7218

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