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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
5 Verses Found

Psalm 37:1 {A Psalm of David.} Don't fret2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither be envious7065 against those who work6213 unrighteousness.5766 2 For they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 like the green3418 herb.1877 3 Trust982 in Yahweh,3068 and do6213 good.2896 Dwell7931 in the land,776 and enjoy7462 safe pasture.530 4 Also delight6026 yourself in Yahweh,3068 and he will give5414 you the desires4862 of your heart.3820 5 Commit1556 your way1870 to Yahweh.3068 Trust982 also in him, and he will do this:6213

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