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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
27 Verses Found

Proverbs 29:1 He376 who is often rebuked8433 and stiffens7185 his neck6203 will be destroyed7665 suddenly,6621 with no remedy.4832 2 When the righteous6662 thrive,7235 the people5971 rejoice;8055 but when the wicked7563 rule,4910 the people5971 groan.584 3 Whoever376 loves157 wisdom2451 brings joy8055 to his father;1 but a companion7462 of prostitutes2181 squanders6 his wealth.1952 4 The king4428 by justice4941 makes the land776 stable,5975 but he376 who takes bribes8641 tears it down.2040 5 A man1397 who flatters2505 his neighbor7453 spreads6566 a net7568 for his feet.6471 6 An evil7451 man376 is snared4170 by his sin,6588 but the righteous6662 can sing7442 and be glad.8056 7 The righteous6662 care3045 about justice1779 for the poor.1800 The wicked7563 aren't concerned995 about knowledge.1847 8 Mockers3944 582 stir6315 up6315 a city,7151 but wise2450 men turn away7725 anger.639 9 If a wise2450 man376 goes to court8199 with a foolish191 man,376 the fool rages7264 or scoffs,7832 and there is no peace.5183 10 The bloodthirsty582 hate8130 a man of integrity;8535 and they seek1245 the life5315 of the upright.3477 11 A fool3684 vents3318 all of his anger,7307 but a wise2450 man brings7623 himself under control.268 12 If a ruler4910 listens7181 to lies,1697 all of his officials8334 are wicked.7563 13 The poor7326 man376 and the oppressor8501 have this in common:6298 Yahweh3068 gives sight5869 to the eyes5869 of both.8147 14 The king4428 who fairly571 judges8199 the poor,1800 his throne3678 shall be established3559 forever.5703 15 The rod7626 of correction8433 gives5414 wisdom,2451 but a child5288 left7971 to himself causes shame954 to his mother.517 16 When the wicked7563 increase,7235 sin6588 increases;7235 but the righteous6662 will see7200 their downfall.4658 17 Correct3256 your son,1121 and he will give you peace;5117 yes, he will bring5414 delight4574 to your soul.5315 18 Where there is no revelation,2377 the people5971 cast off restraint;6544 but one who keeps8104 the law8451 is blessed.835 19 A servant5650 can't be corrected3256 by words.1697 Though he understands,995 yet he will not respond.4617 20 Do you see2372 a man376 who is hasty213 in his words?1697 There is more hope8615 for a fool3684 than for him. 21 He who pampers6445 his servant5650 from youth5290 will have him become a son4497 in the end.319 22 An angry639 man376 stirs up1624 strife,4066 and a wrathful2534 man1167 abounds in7227 sin.6588 23 A man's120 pride1346 brings him low,8213 but one of lowly8217 spirit7307 gains8551 honor.3519 24 Whoever is an accomplice2505 of a thief1590 is an enemy8130 of his own soul.5315 He takes8085 an oath,423 but dares not testify.5046 25 The fear2731 of man120 proves5414 to be a snare,4170 but whoever puts his trust982 in Yahweh3068 is kept safe.7682 26 Many7227 seek1245 the ruler's4910 favor,6440 but a man's376 justice4941 comes from Yahweh.3068 27 A dishonest5766 man376 detests8441 the righteous,6662 and the upright3477 in their ways1870 detest8441 the wicked.7563

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