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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
33 Verses Found

Proverbs 16:1 The plans4633 of the heart3820 belong to man,120 but the answer4617 of the tongue3956 is from Yahweh.3068 2 All the ways1870 of a man376 are clean2134 in his own eyes;5869 but Yahweh3068 weighs8505 the motives.7307 3 Commit1556 your deeds4639 to Yahweh,3068 and your plans4284 shall succeed.3559 4 Yahweh3068 has made6466 everything for its own end—4617 yes, even the wicked7563 for the day3117 of evil.7563 5 Everyone who is proud1362 in heart3820 is an abomination8441 to Yahweh:3068 they shall3027 certainly3027 not be unpunished.5352 6 By mercy2617 and truth571 iniquity5771 is atoned3722 for. By the fear3374 of Yahweh3068 men depart5493 from evil.7451 7 When a man's376 ways1870 please7521 Yahweh,3068 he makes even his enemies341 to be at peace7999 with him. 8 Better2896 is a little4592 with righteousness,6666 than great7230 revenues8393 with injustice.4941 9 A man's120 heart3820 plans2803 his course,1870 but Yahweh3068 directs3559 his steps.6806 10 Inspired judgments7081 are on the lips8193 of the king.4428 He shall4941 not betray4603 his mouth.6310 11 Honest4941 balances3976 and scales6425 are Yahweh's;3068 all the weights68 in the bag3599 are his work.4639 12 It is an abomination8441 for kings4428 to do6213 wrong,7562 for the throne3678 is established3559 by righteousness.6666 13 Righteous6664 lips8193 are the delight7522 of kings.4428 They value157 one who speaks1696 the truth.3477 14 The king's4428 wrath2534 is a messenger4397 of death,4194 but a wise2450 man376 will pacify3722 it. 15 In the light216 of the king's4428 face6440 is life.2416 His favor6440 is like a cloud5645 of the spring rain.4456 16 How much better2896 it is to get7069 wisdom2451 than gold!2742 Yes, to get7069 understanding998 is to be chosen977 rather than silver.3701 17 The highway4546 of the upright3477 is to depart5493 from evil.7451 He who keeps5341 his way1870 preserves8104 his soul.5315 18 Pride1347 goes before6440 destruction,7667 and a haughty1363 spirit7307 before6440 a fall.3783 19 It is better2896 to be of a lowly6035 spirit7307 with the poor,8217 than to divide2505 the plunder7998 with the proud.1343 20 He who heeds7919 the Word1697 finds4672 prosperity.2896 Whoever trusts982 in Yahweh3068 is blessed.835 21 The wise2450 in heart3820 shall be called7121 prudent.995 Pleasantness4986 of the lips8193 promotes3254 instruction.3948 22 Understanding7922 is a fountain4726 of life2416 to one who has1167 it, but the punishment4148 of fools191 is their folly.200 23 The heart3820 of the wise2450 instructs7919 his mouth,6310 and adds3254 learning3948 to his lips.8193 24 Pleasant5278 words561 are a honeycomb,6688 sweet4966 to the soul,5315 and health4832 to the bones.6106 25 There is3426 a way1870 which seems right3477 to6440 a man,376 but in the end319 it leads1870 to death.4194 26 The appetite of the laboring6001 man5315 labors6001 for him; for his mouth6310 urges404 him on. 27 A worthless1100 man376 devises3738 mischief.7451 His speech8193 is like a scorching6867 fire.784 28 A perverse8419 man376 stirs7971 up strife.4066 A whisperer5372 separates6504 close friends.441 29 A man376 of violence2555 entices6601 his neighbor,7453 and leads3212 him in a way1870 that is not good.2896 30 One who winks6095 his eyes5869 to plot2803 perversities,8419 one who compresses7169 his lips,8193 is bent3615 on3615 evil.7451 31 Gray hair7872 is a crown5850 of glory.8597 It is attained4672 by a life1870 of righteousness.6666 32 One who is slow750 to anger639 is better2896 than the mighty;1368 one who rules4910 his spirit,7307 than he who takes3920 a city.5892 33 The lot1486 is cast2904 into the lap,2436 but its every decision4941 is from Yahweh.3068

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