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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Proverbs 10:1 The proverbs4912 of Solomon.8010 A wise2450 son1121 makes a glad8055 father;1 but a foolish3684 son1121 brings grief8424 to his mother.517 2 Treasures214 of wickedness7562 profit3276 nothing, but righteousness6666 delivers5337 from death.4194 3 Yahweh3068 will not allow7456 the soul5315 of the righteous6662 to go hungry,7456 but he thrusts away1920 the desire1942 of the wicked.7563 4 He becomes poor7326 who works6213 with a lazy7423 hand,3709 but the hand3027 of the diligent2742 brings wealth.6238 5 He who gathers103 in summer7019 is a wise7919 son,1121 but he who sleeps7290 during the harvest7105 is a son1121 who causes shame.954 6 Blessings1293 are on the head7218 of the righteous,6662 but violence2555 covers3680 the mouth6310 of the wicked.7563 7 The memory2143 of the righteous6662 is blessed,1293 but the name8034 of the wicked7563 will rot.7537 8 The wise2450 in heart3820 accept3947 commandments,4687 but a chattering8193 fool191 will fall.3832 9 He who walks3212 blamelessly8537 walks3212 surely,983 but he who perverts6140 his ways1870 will be found3045 out. 10 One winking7169 with the eye5869 causes5414 sorrow,6094 but a chattering8193 fool191 will fall.3832 11 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 is a spring4726 of life,2416 but violence2555 covers3680 the mouth6310 of the wicked.7563 12 Hatred8135 stirs up5782 strife,4090 but love160 covers3680 all wrongs.6588 13 Wisdom2451 is found4672 on the lips8193 of him who has discernment,995 but a rod7626 is for the back1460 of him who is void2638 of understanding.3820 14 Wise2450 men lay up6845 knowledge,1847 but the mouth6310 of the foolish191 is near7138 ruin.4288 15 The rich man's6223 wealth1952 is his strong5797 city.7151 The destruction4288 of the poor1800 is their poverty.7389 16 The labor6468 of the righteous6662 leads to life.2416 The increase8393 of the wicked7563 leads to sin.2403 17 He is in the way734 of life2416 who heeds8104 correction,4148 but he who forsakes5800 reproof8433 leads others astray.8582 18 He who hides3680 hatred8135 has lying8267 lips.8193 He who utters3318 a slander1681 is a fool.3684 19 In the multitude7230 of words1697 there is no lack2308 of disobedience,6588 but he who restrains2820 his lips8193 does wisely.7919 20 The tongue3956 of the righteous6662 is like choice977 silver.3701 The heart3820 of the wicked7563 is of little worth.4592 21 The lips8193 of the righteous6662 feed7462 many,7227 but the foolish191 die4191 for lack2638 of understanding.3820 22 Yahweh's3068 blessing1293 brings wealth,6238 and he adds3254 no trouble6089 to it. 23 It is a fool's3684 pleasure7814 to do6213 wickedness,2154 but wisdom2451 is a man376 of understanding's8394 pleasure. 24 What the wicked7563 fear,4034 will overtake935 them, but the desire8378 of the righteous6662 will be granted.5414 25 When the whirlwind5492 passes,5674 the wicked7563 is no more; but the righteous6662 stand firm3247 forever.5769 26 As vinegar2558 to the teeth,8127 and as smoke6227 to the eyes,5869 so is the sluggard6102 to those who send7971 him. 27 The fear3374 of Yahweh3068 prolongs3254 days,3117 but the years8141 of the wicked7563 shall be shortened.7114 28 The prospect8431 of the righteous6662 is joy,8057 but the hope8615 of the wicked7563 will perish.6 29 The way1870 of Yahweh3068 is a stronghold4581 to the upright,8537 but it is a destruction4288 to the workers6466 of iniquity.205 30 The righteous6662 will never5769 be removed,4131 but the wicked7563 will not dwell7931 in the land.776 31 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 brings forth5107 wisdom,2451 but the perverse8419 tongue3956 will be cut off.3772 32 The lips8193 of the righteous6662 know3045 what is acceptable,7522 but the mouth6310 of the wicked7563 is perverse.8419

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