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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

Philippians 3:8 Yes235 most certainly,3304 and2532 I count2233 all things3956 to be1511 loss2209 for1223 the excellency5242 of the knowledge1108 of Christ5547 Jesus,2424 my3450 Lord,2962 for1223 whom3739 I suffered the loss of2210 all things,3956 and2532 count2233 them nothing but refuse,4657 that2443 I1511 may gain2770 Christ5547 9 and2532 be found2147 in1722 him,846 not3361 having2192 a righteousness1343 of1537 my own,1699 that which is3588 of1537 the law,3551 but235 that which is3588 through1223 faith4102 in Christ,5547 the righteousness1343 which is3588 from God2316 by1909 faith;4102 10 that3588 I may know1097 him,846 and2532 the power1411 of386 his846 resurrection,386 and2532 the fellowship2842 of3804 his846 sufferings,3804 becoming conformed to4833 his846 death;2288

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