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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
6 Verses Found

Philippians 2:5 Have1063 this5124 5426 in1722 your5213 mind, which was3739 also2532 in1722 Christ5547 Jesus,2424 6 who,3739 existing5225 in1722 the form3444 of God,2316 2233 didn't3756 consider equality2470 with God2316 a thing to be1511 grasped,725 7 but235 2758 emptied2758 himself,1438 taking2983 the form3444 of a servant,1401 being made1096 in1722 the likeness3667 of men.444 8 And2532 being found2147 in5613 human444 form,4976 he humbled5013 himself,1438 becoming1096 obedient5255 to3360 death,2288 yes,1161 the death2288 of the cross.4716 9 Therefore1352 God2316 also2532 highly exalted5251 him,846 and2532 gave5483 to him846 the name3686 which is3588 above5228 every3956 name;3686 10 that2443 at1722 the name3686 of2032 Jesus2424 every3956 knee1119 should bow,2578 of2032 those in heaven,2032 those on earth,1919 and2532 those under the earth,2709

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