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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
48 Verses Found

Matthew 5:1 Seeing1492 the multitudes,3793 he went up305 onto1519 the mountain.3735 When2523 he846 had sat2523 down, his846 disciples3101 came to4334 him.846 2 He opened455 his846 mouth4750 and2532 taught1321 them,846 saying,3004 3 "Blessed3107 are the poor4434 in spirit,4151 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the Kingdom932 of Heaven.3772{Isaiah 57:15; 66:2} 4 Blessed3107 are those who mourn,3996 for3754 they846 shall be comforted.3870{Isaiah 61:2; 66:10,13} 5 Blessed3107 are the gentle,4239 for3754 they846 shall inherit2816 the earth.1093{Psalm 37:11} 6 Blessed3107 are those who hunger3983 and2532 thirst1372 after righteousness,1343 for3754 they846 shall be filled.5526 7 Blessed3107 are the merciful,1655 for3754 they846 shall obtain mercy.1653 8 Blessed3107 are the pure2513 in heart,2588 for3754 they846 shall see3700 God.2316 9 Blessed3107 are the peacemakers,1518 for3754 they846 shall be called2564 children5207 of God.2316 10 Blessed3107 are those who have been persecuted1377 for3754 righteousness'1343 sake,1752 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the Kingdom932 of Heaven.3772

Matthew 5:11 "Blessed3107 are you5209 when3752 people reproach3679 you,5209 persecute1377 you,5209 and2532 say2036 all kinds of3956 evil4190 against2596 you5216 falsely,5574 for1752 my1700 sake.1752 12 Rejoice,5463 and2532 be exceedingly glad,21 for3754 great4183 is your5216 reward3408 in1722 heaven.3772 For1063 that is how3779 they1377 persecuted the prophets4396 who were3588 before4253 you.5216

Matthew 5:13 "You5210 are2075 the salt217 of the earth,1093 but1161 if1437 the salt217 has lost its flavor,1722 with5101 what will it be salted?233 It is2480 then2089 good2480 for1519 nothing,1487 but3361 to be cast906 out1854 and2532 trodden under the feet2662 of5259 men.444 14 You5210 are2075 the light5457 of the world.2889 A city4172 located on1883 a3756 hill3735 can't1410 be hidden.2928 15 Neither3761 do you light2545 a lamp,3088 and2532 put5087 it846 under5259 a measuring basket,3426 but235 on1909 a stand;3087 and2532 it shines2989 to all3956 who are3588 in1722 the house.3614 16 Even so,3779 let your5216 light5457 shine2989 before1715 men;444 that3704 they may see1492 your5216 good2570 works,2041 and2532 glorify1392 your5216 Father3962 who is3588 in1722 heaven.3772

Matthew 5:17 "Don't3361 think3543 that3754 I came2064 to destroy2647 the law3551 or2228 the prophets.4396 I didn't3756 come2064 to destroy,2647 but235 to fulfill.4137 18 For1063 most certainly,281 I302 tell3004 you,5213 until2193 heaven3772 and2532 earth1093 pass3928 away, not even one1520 smallest letter2503{or, serif} or2228 one1520 tiny pen stroke2762 shall3928 in any3756 way3361 pass3928 away from575 the law,3551 until2193 all3956 things are accomplished.1096 19 Whoever,3739 therefore,3767 shall break3089 one1520 of these5130 least1646 commandments,1785 and2532 teach1321 others444 to do so,3779 shall be called2564 least1646 in1722 the Kingdom932 of Heaven;3772 but1161 whoever3739 shall302 do4160 and2532 teach1321 them shall3778 be called2564 great3173 in1722 the Kingdom932 of Heaven.3772 20 For1063 I tell3004 you5213 that3754 unless1437 your5216 righteousness1343 exceeds4052 that3754 of4119 the scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 there is no3756 way3361 you will enter1525 into1519 the Kingdom932 of Heaven.3772

Matthew 5:21 "You have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 to the ancient ones,744 ‘You shall5407 not3756 murder;'5407{Exodus 20:13} and1161 ‘Whoever3739 shall5407 murder5407 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the judgment.'2920 22 But1161 I1473 tell3004 you,5213 that3754 everyone3956 who is angry3710 with80 his846 brother80 without a cause1500{or, Hell} shall be2071 in danger1777 of the judgment;2920 and1161 whoever3739 shall say2036 to80 his846 brother,80 ‘Raca!'4469 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the council;4892 and1161 whoever3739 shall say,2036 ‘You fool!'3474 shall be2071 in danger1777 of1519 the fire4442 of1519 Gehenna.1067

Matthew 5:23 "If1437 therefore3767 you are offering4374 your4675 gift1435 at the altar,2379 and there2546 remember3415 that3754 your4675 brother80 has2192 anything5100 against2596 you,4675 24 leave863 your4675 gift1435 there1563 before1715 the altar,2379 and2532 go your way.5217 First4412 be reconciled1259 to80 your4675 brother,80 and2532 then5119 come2064 and offer4374 your4675 gift.1435 25 Agree with2132 your4675 adversary476 quickly,2193 while3755 you are1488 with3326 him846 in1722 the way;3598 lest perhaps the prosecutor476 deliver3860 you4571 to the judge,2923 and2532 the judge2923 deliver3860 you4571 to the officer,5257 and2532 you4571 be cast906 into1519 prison.5438 26 Most certainly281 I tell3004 you,4671 you shall by no3756 means3361 get out1831 of there,1564 until2193 you have paid591 the last2078 penny.2835{literally, kodrantes. A kodrantes was a small copper coin worth about 2 lepta (widow’s mites)—not enough to buy very much of anything.}

Matthew 5:27 "You have heard191 that3754 it was744 said,4483{Exodus 20:14} "You shall3431 not3756 commit adultery;"3431 28 but1161 I1473 tell3004 you5213 that3754 everyone3956 who gazes991 at a woman1135 to4314 lust after1937 her846 has committed adultery3431 with her846 already2235 in1722 his846 heart.2588 29 If1487 your4571 right1188 eye3788 causes you4571 to stumble,4624 pluck1807 it846 out1807 and2532 throw906 it846 away from575 you.4671 For1063 it is more profitable4851 for you4671 that2443 one1520 of3196 your4675 members3196 should3361 perish,622 than for your4675 whole3650 body4983 to be cast906 into1519 Gehenna.1067{or, Hell} 30 If1487 your4571 right1188 hand5495 causes you4571 to stumble,4624 cut1581 it846 off,1581 and2532 throw906 it846 away from575 you.4671 For1063 it is more profitable4851 for you4671 that2443 one1520 of3196 your4675 members3196 should perish,622 than3361 for your4675 whole3650 body4983 to be cast906 into1519 Gehenna.1067{or, Hell}

Matthew 5:31 "It was also said,3754 "Whoever3739 shall302 put away630 his846 wife,1135 let him give1325 her846 a writing of divorce,"647{Deuteronomy 24:1} 32 but1161 I302 tell3004 you5213 that3754 whoever3739 puts away630 his846 wife,1135 except3924 for the cause3056 of sexual immorality,4202 makes4160 her846 an adulteress;3429 and2532 whoever3739 marries1060 her846 when she is put away630 commits adultery.3429

Matthew 5:33 "Again3825 you have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 to them of old time,744 'You shall1964 not3756 make false vows,1964 but1161 shall1964 perform591 to the Lord2962 your4675 vows,'3727 34 but1161 I1473 tell3004 you,5213 don't3361 swear3660 at all:3654 neither3383 by1722 heaven,3772 for3754 it is2076 the throne2362 of God;2316 35 nor3383 by1722 the earth,1093 for3754 it is2076 the footstool4228 of his846 feet; nor by1519 Jerusalem,2414 for3754 it is2076 the935 city4172 of the great3173 King.935 36 Neither3383 shall you swear3660 by1722 your4675 head,2776 for3754 you can't1410 make4160 one1520 hair2359 white3022 or2228 black.3189 37 But1161 let2077 your5216 'Yes'3483 be2077 'Yes'3483 and your 'No'3756 be 'No.'3756 Whatever is more than4053 these5130 is2076 of1537 the evil4190 one.

Matthew 5:38 "You have heard191 that3754 it was said,4483 'An eye3788 for473 an eye,3788 and2532 a tooth3599 for473 a tooth.'3599{Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21} 39 But1161 I1473 tell3004 you,5213 don't resist436 him who is evil;4190 but235 whoever3748 strikes4474 you4571 on1909 your4675 right1188 cheek,4600 turn4762 to him846 the other243 also.2532 40 If2532 anyone2309 sues2919 you4671 to take away2983 your4675 coat,5509 let863 him846 have863 your4675 cloak2440 also.2532 41 Whoever3748 compels29 you4571 to go5217 one1520 mile,3400 go5217 with3326 him846 two.1417 42 Give1325 to him who asks154 you,4571 and2532 don't3361 turn654 away654 him who desires2309 to borrow1155 from you.4675

Matthew 5:43 "You have heard191 that3754 it was said,4483 'You shall love25 your4675 neighbor,4139{not in the Bible, but see Qumran Manual of Discipline Ix, 21-26} and2532 hate3404 your4675 enemy.'2190 44 But1161 I1473 tell3004 you,5213 love25 your5216 enemies,2190 bless2127 those who curse2672 you,5209 do4160 good2573 to those who hate3404 you,5209 and2532 pray4336 for5228 those who mistreat you5209 and2532 persecute1377 you,5209 45 that3704 you may be1096 children5207 of your5216 Father3962 who is3588 in1722 heaven.3772 For3754 he makes393 his846 sun2246 to rise393 on1909 the evil4190 and2532 the good,18 and2532 sends rain1026 on1909 the just1342 and2532 the unjust.94 46 For1063 if1437 you love25 those who love25 you,5209 what5101 reward3408 do4160 you2192 have? Don't3780 even2532 the tax collectors5057 do the same?846 47 If1437 you only3440 greet782 your5216 friends,80 what5101 more4053 do4160 you do4160 than others? Don't3780 even2532 the tax collectors5057{NU reads “Gentiles” instead of “tax collectors”.} do4160 the same?3779 48 Therefore3767 you5210 shall be2071 perfect,5046 just as5618 your5216 Father3962 in1722 heaven3772 is2076 perfect."5046

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