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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
36 Verses Found

Matthew 14:1 At1722 that1565 time,2540 Herod2264 the tetrarch5076 heard191 the report189 concerning Jesus,2424 2 and2532 said2036 to3816 his846 servants,3816 "This3778 is2076 John2491 the Baptizer.910 He846 is risen1453 from575 the dead.3498 That1223 is5124 why these powers1754 work1411 in1722 him."846 3 For1063 Herod2264 had laid hold of2902 John,2491 and bound1210 him,846 and2532 put5087 him in1722 prison5438 for1223 the sake2266 of Herodias, his846 brother80 Philip's5376 wife.1135 4 For1063 John2491 said3004 to him,846 "It is1832 not3756 lawful1832 for you4671 to have2192 her."846 5 When2309 he846 would have2309 put him to death,615 he846 feared5399 the multitude,3793 because3754 they counted2192 him846 as5613 a prophet.4396 6 But when1161 Herod's2264 birthday1077 came,71 the daughter2364 of Herodias2266 danced3738 among1722 them3319 and2532 pleased700 Herod.2264 7 Whereupon3606 he promised3670 with3326 an oath3727 to give1325 her846 whatever3739 she1437 should ask.154 8 She,1161 being prompted4264 by5259 her846 mother,3384 said,5346 "Give1325 me3427 here846 on1909 a platter4094 the head2776 of John2491 the Baptizer."910

Matthew 14:9 The2532 king935 was grieved,3076 but1161 for1223 the sake3727 of his oaths, and2532 of those who sat at the table4873 with him, he commanded2753 it to be given,1325 10 and2532 he sent3992 and beheaded607 John2491 in1722 the prison.5438 11 His846 head2776 was brought5342 on1909 a platter,4094 and2532 given1325 to the young lady:2877 and2532 she brought5342 it to3384 her846 mother.3384 12 His846 disciples3101 came,4334 and2532 took the body,4983 and2532 buried2290 it;846 and2532 they went2064 and2532 told518 Jesus.2424 13 Now when2532 Jesus2424 heard191 this, he withdrew402 from there1564 in1722 a2596 boat,4143 to a2596 deserted2048 place5117 apart.2398 When2532 the multitudes3793 heard191 it, they followed190 him846 on foot3979 from the cities.4172

Matthew 14:14 Jesus2424 went out,1831 and he saw1492 a great4183 multitude.3793 He2532 had compassion4697 on1909 them,846 and2532 healed2323 their846 sick.732 15 When evening3798 had come,4334 his846 disciples3101 came4334 to him,846 saying,3004 "This place5117 is2076 deserted,2048 and2532 the hour5610 is3928 already2235 late.3928 Send630 the multitudes3793 away,630 that2443 they may59 go565 into1519 the villages,2968 and buy59 themselves1438 food."1033

Matthew 14:16 But1161 Jesus2424 said2036 to them,846 "They2192 don't3756 need5532 to go away.565 You5210 give1325 them846 something to eat."5315

Matthew 14:17 They1161 told him,846 "We only1487 have2192 here5602 five4002 loaves740 and2532 two1417 fish."2486

Matthew 14:18 He said,2036 "Bring5342 them846 here5602 to me."3427 19 He2532 commanded2753 the multitudes3793 to sit down347 on1909 the grass;5528 and2532 he took2983 the740 five4002 loaves740 and2532 the2486 two1417 fish,2486 and looking up308 to1519 heaven,3772 he blessed,2127 broke2806 and gave1325 the loaves740 to3101 the disciples,3101 and1161 the disciples3101 gave to the multitudes.3793 20 They2532 all3956 ate,5315 and2532 were filled.5526 They2532 took up142 twelve1427 baskets2894 full4134 of that which remained4052 left over from the broken pieces.2801 21 Those1161 who ate2068 were2258 about5616 five thousand4000 men,435 besides5565 women1135 and2532 children.3813

Matthew 14:22 Immediately2112 Jesus2424 made315 the846 disciples3101 get1684 into1519 the boat,4143 and2532 to go ahead4254 of him846 to1519 the other side,4008 while2193 he3739 sent630 the multitudes3793 away.630 23 After2532 he had sent630 the multitudes3793 away,630 he went up305 into1519 the mountain3735 by2596 himself2398 to pray.4336 When1161 evening3798 had come,1096 he was2258 there1563 alone.3441 24 But1161 the boat4143 was2258 now2235 in the middle3319 of the sea,2281 distressed928 by5259 the waves,2949 for1063 the wind417 was2258 contrary.1727 25 In1161 the fourth5067 watch5438 of the night,3571{see Job 9:8} Jesus2424 came565 to4314 them,846 walking4043 on1909 the sea.2281 26 When2532 the disciples3101 saw1492 him846 walking4043 on1909 the sea,2281 they were troubled,5015 saying,3754 "It's2076 a ghost!"5326 and2532 they cried out2896 for575 fear.5401 27 But1161 immediately Jesus2424 spoke2980 to them,846 saying3004 "Cheer2293 up! It1473 is1510 I!1473{or, I AM!} Don't3361 be5399 afraid."5399

Matthew 14:28 Peter4074 answered611 him846 and1161 said,2036 "Lord,2962 if1487 it is1488 you,4771 command2753 me3165 to come2064 to4314 you4771 on1909 the waters."5204

Matthew 14:29 He1161 said,2036 "Come!"2064 Peter4074 stepped down2597 from575 the boat,4143 and walked4043 on1909 the waters5204 to come2064 to4314 Jesus.2424 30 But1161 when he saw991 that the wind417 was strong,2478 he was afraid,5399 and2532 beginning756 to sink,2670 he cried2896 out, saying,3004 "Lord,2962 save4982 me!"3165

Matthew 14:31 Immediately2112 Jesus2424 stretched out1614 his hand,5495 took hold1949 of him,846 and2532 said3004 to him,846 "You of little faith,1519 why5101 did you doubt?"1365 32 When2532 they846 got up1684 into1519 the boat,4143 the wind417 ceased.2869 33 Those1161 who were3588 in1722 the boat4143 came2064 and worshiped4352 him,846 saying,3004 "You are1488 truly230 the Son5207 of God!"2316

Matthew 14:34 When2532 they had crossed over,1276 they came2064 to1519 the land1093 of Gennesaret.1082 35 When2532 the people435 of1921 that1565 place5117 recognized1921 him,846 they sent into1519 all3650 that1565 surrounding4066 region, and2532 brought4374 to him846 all3650 who were2192 sick,2560 36 and2532 they begged3870 him846 that2443 they might680 just680 touch680 the fringe2899{or, tassel} of his846 garment.2440 As2532 many as3745 touched680 it were made whole.1295

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