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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
9 Verses Found

Matthew 6:25 Therefore,1223 I5124 tell3004 you,5213 don't3361 be anxious3309 for5590 your5216 life:5590 what5101 you will eat,5315 or2532 what5101 you will drink;4095 nor yet3366 for4983 your5216 body,4983 what5101 you will wear.1746 Isn't2076 life5590 more4119 than food,5160 and2532 the body4983 more4119 than clothing?1742 26 See1689 the1519 birds4071 of the sky,1689 that3754 they don't sow,4687 neither3761 do they reap,2325 nor3761 gather4863 into1519 barns.596 Your5216 heavenly3770 Father3962 feeds5142 them.846 Aren't1308 you3756 of5210 much3123 more1308 value than they?846

Matthew 6:27 "Which5101 of1537 you,5216 by being anxious,3309 can1410 add4369 one1520 moment4083{literally, cubit} to his846 lifespan?2244 28 Why5101 are you anxious3309 about clothing?1742 Consider2648 the lilies2918 of the field,68 how4459 they grow.837 They don't3756 toil,2872 neither3761 do they spin,3514 29 yet1161 I tell3004 you5213 that3754 even3761 Solomon4672 in1722 all3956 his846 glory1391 was4016 not3761 dressed4016 like5613 one1520 of these.5130 30 But1161 if1487 God2316 so3779 clothes294 the grass5528 of the field,68 which5607 today exists, and2532 tomorrow839 is5607 thrown906 into1519 the oven,2823 won't3756 he much4183 more3123 clothe you,5209 you of little faith?3640

Matthew 6:31 "Therefore3767 don't3361 be3309 anxious,3309 saying,3004 "What5101 will we eat?",5315 "What5101 will we drink?"4095 or,2228 "With what5101 will we be clothed?"4016 32 For1063 the Gentiles1484 seek1934 after all3956 these things;5023 for1063 your5216 heavenly3770 Father3962 knows1492 that3754 you need5535 all537 these things.5130 33 But1161 seek first4412 God's2316 Kingdom,932 and2532 his846 righteousness;1343 and2532 all3956 these things5023 will be given4369 to you5213 as well.

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