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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
2 Verses Found

Matthew 5:21 "You have heard191 that3754 it was said4483 to the ancient ones,744 ‘You shall5407 not3756 murder;'5407{Exodus 20:13} and1161 ‘Whoever3739 shall5407 murder5407 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the judgment.'2920 22 But1161 I1473 tell3004 you,5213 that3754 everyone3956 who is angry3710 with80 his846 brother80 without a cause1500{or, Hell} shall be2071 in danger1777 of the judgment;2920 and1161 whoever3739 shall say2036 to80 his846 brother,80 ‘Raca!'4469 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the council;4892 and1161 whoever3739 shall say,2036 ‘You fool!'3474 shall be2071 in danger1777 of1519 the fire4442 of1519 Gehenna.1067

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