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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
7 Verses Found

Matthew 2:2 "Where4226 is2076 he3588 who is2076 born5088 King935 of the Jews?2453 For1063 we saw1492 his846 star792 in1722 the east,395 and2532 have come2064 to worship4352 him."846 3 When1161 King935 Herod2264 heard191 it, he was troubled,5015 and2532 all3956 Jerusalem2414 with3326 him.846 4 Gathering4863 together2532 all3956 the chief priests749 and2532 scribes1122 of the people,2992 he asked4441 them846 where4226 the Christ5547 would be born.1080 5 They1161 said2036 to him,846 "In1722 Bethlehem965 of Judea,2449 for1063 this3779 is written1125 through1223 the prophet,4396 6 'You4771 Bethlehem,965 land1093 of Judah,2448 are1488 in no3760 way least1646 among1722 the princes2232 of1537 Judah:2448{Micah 5:2} for1063 out of1537 you4675 shall come1831 forth a governor,2233 who shall shepherd my3450 people,2992 Israel.'"2474

Matthew 2:7 Then5119 Herod2264 secretly2977 called2564 the wise men,3097 and learned198 from3844 them846 exactly198 what time5550 the star792 appeared.5316 8 He sent3992 them846 to1519 Bethlehem,965 and2532 said,2036 "Go4198 and search1833 diligently199 for4012 the young child.3813 When1875 you have found2147 him, bring518 me3427 word, so that3704 I2504 also2504 may come2064 and worship4352 him."846

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