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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

Luke 12:6 Are4453 2794 not3780 five4002 sparrows4765 sold4453 for two1417 farthings,787{See Matt. 10.29} and2532 not3756 one1520 of1537 them846 is2076 forgotten1950 before1799 God?2316 7 But235 even the very2532 hairs2359 of your5216 head2776 are705 2794 all3956 numbered.705 Fear5399 not3361 therefore:3767 ye are of more value1308 than many4183 sparrows.4765

Luke 12:8 Also1161 I say3004 unto you,5213 Whosoever3956 3739 302 shall confess3670 1722 me1698 before1715 men,444 1722 him846 shall3670 2794 the Son5207 of man444 also2532 confess3670 before1715 the angels32 of God:2316

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