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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
6 Verses Found

Leviticus 23:3 Six8337 days3117 shall work4399 be done:6213 but on the seventh7637 day3117 is a sabbath7676 of solemn rest,7677 a holy6944 convocation;4744 ye shall do6213 no manner of work:4399 it is a sabbath7676 unto Jehovah3068 in all your dwellings.4186

Leviticus 23:4 These are the set feasts4150 of Jehovah,3068 even holy6944 convocations,4744 which ye shall proclaim7121 in their appointed season.4150 5 In the first7223 month,2320 on the fourteenth702 day of the month at{Hebrew between the two evenings.} even,6153 is Jehovah's3068 passover.6453 6 And on the fifteenth2568 day3117 of the same month2320 is the feast2282 of unleavened bread4682 unto Jehovah:3068 seven7651 days3117 ye shall eat398 unleavened bread.4682 7 In the first7223 day3117 ye shall have a holy6944 convocation:4744 ye shall do6213 no servile5656{Hebrew work of labor.} work.4399 8 But ye shall offer7126 an offering made by fire801 unto Jehovah3068 seven7651 days:3117 in the seventh7637 day3117 is a holy6944 convocation;4744 ye shall do6213 no servile5656 work.4399

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