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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
40 Verses Found

Judges 6:1 The children1121 of Israel3478 did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of Yahweh:3068 and Yahweh3068 delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of Midian4080 seven7651 years.8141 2 The hand3027 of Midian4080 prevailed5810 against Israel;3478 and because6440 of Midian4080 the children1121 of Israel3478 made6213 them the dens4492 which are in the mountains,2022 and the caves,4631 and the strongholds.4679 3 So it was, when Israel3478 had sown,2232 that the Midianites4080 came up,5927 and the Amalekites,6002 and the children1121 of the east;6924 they came up5927 against them; 4 and they encamped2583 against them, and destroyed7843 the increase2981 of the earth,776 until you come935 to Gaza,5804 and left7604 no sustenance4241 in Israel,3478 neither sheep,7716 nor ox,7794 nor donkey.2543 5 For they came up5927 with their livestock4735 and their tents;168 they came935 in as1767 locusts697 for multitude;7230 both they and their camels1581 were without number:4557 and they came935 into the land776 to destroy7843 it. 6 Israel3478 was brought very3966 low1809 because6440 of Midian;4080 and the children1121 of Israel3478 cried2199 to Yahweh.3068

Judges 6:7 It happened, when the children1121 of Israel3478 cried2199 to Yahweh3068 because182 of Midian,4080 8 that Yahweh3068 sent7971 a prophet376 to the children1121 of Israel:3478 and he said559 to them, "Thus says559 Yahweh,3068 the God430 of Israel,3478 ‘I brought you up5927 from Egypt,4714 and brought you forth3318 out of the house1004 of bondage;5650 9 and I delivered5337 you out of the hand3027 of the Egyptians,4714 and out of the hand3027 of all who oppressed3905 you, and drove them out1644 from before6440 you, and gave5414 you their land;776 10 and I said559 to you, "I am Yahweh3068 your God;430 you shall not fear3372 the gods430 of the Amorites,567 in whose land776 you dwell."3427 But you have not listened8085 to my voice.'"6963

Judges 6:11 The angel4397 of Yahweh3068 came,935 and sat3427 under the oak424 which was in Ophrah,6084 that pertained to Joash3101 the Abiezrite:33 and his son1121 Gideon1439 was beating2251 out wheat2406 in the winepress,1660 to hide5127 it from6440 the Midianites.4080 12 The angel4397 of Yahweh3068 appeared7200 to him, and said559 to him, "Yahweh3068 is with you, you mighty1368 man of valor!"2428

Judges 6:13 Gideon1439 said559 to him, "Oh,994 my lord,113 if3426 Yahweh113 is with us, why then has all this happened4672 to us? Where are all his wondrous works6381 which our fathers1 told5608 us of, saying,559 ‘Didn't Yahweh3068 bring us up5927 from Egypt?'4714 But now Yahweh3068 has cast5203 us off, and delivered5414 us into the hand3709 of Midian."4080

Judges 6:14 Yahweh3068 looked6437 at him, and said,559 "Go3212 in this your might,3581 and save3467 Israel3478 from the hand3709 of Midian.4080 Haven't I sent7971 you?"

Judges 6:15 He said559 to him, "O994 Lord,136{The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”} how4100 shall I save3467 Israel?3478 Behold, my family504 is the poorest1800 in Manasseh,4519 and I am the least6810 in my father's1 house."1004

Judges 6:16 Yahweh3068 said559 to him, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall strike5221 the Midianites4080 as one259 man."376

Judges 6:17 He said559 to him, "If now I have found4672 favor2580 in your sight,5869 then show6213 me a sign226 that it is you who talk1696 with me. 18 Please don't go away,4185 until I come935 to you, and bring out3318 my present,4503 and lay3240 it before6440 you." He said,559 "I will wait3427 until you come back."7725

Judges 6:19 Gideon1439 went in,935 and prepared6213 a young goat,5795 and unleavened cakes4682 of an ephah374{1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel} of meal.7058 He put7760 the meat1320 in a basket5536 and he put7760 the broth4839 in a pot,6517 and brought it out3318 to him under the oak,424 and presented5066 it.

Judges 6:20 The angel4397 of God430 said559 to him, "Take3947 the meat1320 and the unleavened cakes,4682 and lay3240 them on this1975 rock,5553 and pour out8210 the broth."4839 He did6213 so. 21 Then the angel4397 of Yahweh3068 stretched out7971 the end7097 of the staff4938 that was in his hand,3027 and touched5060 the meat1320 and the unleavened cakes;4682 and fire784 went up5927 out of the rock,6697 and consumed398 the meat1320 and the unleavened cakes;4682 and the angel4397 of Yahweh3068 departed1980 out of his sight.5869

Judges 6:22 Gideon1439 saw7200 that he was the angel4397 of Yahweh;3068 and Gideon1439 said,559 "Alas,162 Lord3068 Yahweh!3068 Because3651 I have seen7200 the angel4397 of Yahweh136 face6440 to face!"6440

Judges 6:23 Yahweh3068 said559 to him, "Peace7965 be to you! Don't be afraid.3372 You shall not die."4191

Judges 6:24 Then Gideon1439 built1129 an altar4196 there to Yahweh,3068 and called7121 it "Yahweh3068 is Peace."{or, Yahweh Shalom} To this day3117 it is still in Ophrah6084 of the Abiezrites.33

Judges 6:25 It happened the same night,3915 that Yahweh3068 said559 to him, "Take3947 your father's1 6499 bull,7794 even the second8145 bull7794 seven7651 years old,8141 and throw down2040 the altar4196 of Baal1168 that your father1 has, and cut down2040 the Asherah842 that is by it; 26 and build1129 an altar4196 to Yahweh3068 your God430 on the top7218 of this stronghold,4581 in an orderly way,4634 and take3947 the second8145 bull,6499 and offer5927 a burnt offering5927 with the wood6086 of the Asherah842 which you shall cut down."3772

Judges 6:27 Then Gideon1439 took3947 ten6235 men582 of his servants,5650 and did6213 as Yahweh3068 had spoken1696 to him: and it happened, because he feared3372 his father's1 household1004 and the men582 of the city,5892 so that he could not do6213 it by day,3119 that he did6213 it by night.3915

Judges 6:28 When the men582 of the city5892 arose early7925 in the morning,1242 behold, the altar4196 of Baal1168 was broken down,5422 and the Asherah842 was cut down5422 that was by it, and the second8145 bull6499 was offered5927 on the altar4196 that was built.1129 29 They said559 one376 to another,7453 "Who has done6213 this thing?"1697 When they inquired1875 and asked,1245 they said,559 "Gideon1439 the son1121 of Joash3101 has done6213 this thing."1697

Judges 6:30 Then the men582 of the city5892 said559 to Joash,3101 "Bring out3318 your son,1121 that he may die,4191 because he has broken down5422 the altar4196 of Baal,1168 and because he has cut down3772 the Asherah842 that was by it." 31 Joash3101 said559 to all who stood5975 against him, "Will you contend7378 for Baal?1168 Or will you save3467 him? He who will contend7378 for him, let him be put to death4191 by morning.1242 If he is a god,430 let him contend7378 for himself, because someone has broken down5422 his altar."4196 32 Therefore on that day3117 he named7121 him Jerub-Baal,3378{“Jerub-Baal” means “Let Baal contend”.} saying,559 "Let Baal1168 contend7378 against him, because he has broken down5422 his altar."4196

Judges 6:33 Then all the Midianites4080 and the Amalekites6002 and the children1121 of the east6924 assembled622 themselves together;3162 and they passed over,5674 and encamped2583 in the valley6010 of Jezreel.3157 34 But the Spirit7307 of Yahweh3068 came3847 on Gideon;1439 and he blew8628 a trumpet;7782 and Abiezer44 was gathered2199 together after310 him. 35 He sent7971 messengers4397 throughout all Manasseh;4519 and they also were gathered2199 together after310 him: and he sent7971 messengers4397 to Asher,836 and to Zebulun,2074 and to Naphtali;5321 and they came up5927 to meet7125 them.

Judges 6:36 Gideon1439 said559 to God,430 "If you will3426 save3467 Israel3478 by my hand,3027 as you have spoken,1696 37 behold, I will put3322 a fleece1492 of wool6785 on the threshing floor;1637 if there is dew2919 on the fleece1492 only, and it is dry2721 on all the ground,776 then shall I know3045 that you will save3467 Israel3478 by my hand,3027 as you have spoken."1696

Judges 6:38 It was so; for he rose up early7925 on the next day,4283 and pressed2115 the fleece1492 together,2115 and wrung4680 the dew2919 out of the fleece,1492 a bowl5602 full4393 of water.4325

Judges 6:39 Gideon1439 said559 to God,430 "Don't let your anger639 be kindled2734 against me, and I will speak1696 but this once.6471 Please let me make a trial5254 just this once6471 with the fleece.1492 Let it now be dry2721 only on the fleece,1492 and on all the ground776 let there be dew."2919

Judges 6:40 God430 did6213 so that night:3915 for it was dry2721 on the fleece1492 only, and there was dew2919 on all the ground.776

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