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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

John 4:39 From1161 that1565 city4172 many4183 of1537 the Samaritans4541 believed4100 in1519 him846 because1223 of the word3056 of the woman,1135 who testified,3754 "He told2036 me3427 everything3956 that3745 I did."4160 40 So3767 when5613 the Samaritans4541 came2064 to4314 him,846 they begged2065 him846 to stay3306 with3844 them.846 He2532 stayed3306 there1563 two1417 days.2250 41 2532 Many4183 more4119 believed4100 because1223 of3056 his846 word.3056 42 They5037 said3004 to the woman,3754 "Now3765 we believe,4100 not3765 because1223 of2981 your4674 speaking;2981 for1063 we have heard191 for ourselves,846 and2532 know1492 that3754 this3778 is2076 indeed230 the Christ,5547 the Savior4990 of the world."2889

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