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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

John 4:21 Jesus2424 said3004 to her,846 "Woman,1135 believe4100 me,3754 the hour5610 comes,2064 when3753 neither3777 in1722 this5129 mountain,3735 nor3777 in1722 Jerusalem,2414 will4352 you worship4352 the Father.3962 22 You5210 worship4352 that which you5210 don't3756 know.1492 We2249 worship4352 that which we2249 know;1492 for3754 salvation4991 is2076 from1537 the Jews.2453 23 But235 the hour5610 comes,2064 and2532 now3568 is,2076 when3753 the4353 true228 worshippers4353 will worship4352 the Father3962 in1722 spirit4151 and2532 truth,2532 for1063 the Father3962 seeks2212 such5108 to be his846 worshippers.4352 24 God2316 is spirit,4151 and2532 those who worship4352 him846 must1163 worship4352 in1722 spirit4151 and2532 truth."225

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