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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
2 Verses Found

John 4:11 The woman1135 said3004 to him,846 "Sir,2962 you have2192 nothing3777 to draw with,502 and2532 the well5421 is2076 deep.901 From where4159 then3767 have you2192 that5204 living2198 water?5204 12 Are1488 you4771 greater than3187 our2257 father,3962 Jacob,2384 who3739 gave1325 us2254 the well,5421 and2532 drank4095 1537 of846 it himself,846 as did2532 his846 children,5207 and2532 his846 livestock?"2353

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