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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
8 Verses Found

John 4:1 Therefore3767 when5613 the Lord2962 knew1097 that3754 the Pharisees5330 had heard191 that3754 Jesus2424 was making4160 and2532 baptizing907 more4119 disciples3101 than2228 John2491 2 (although2544 Jesus2424 himself846 didn't3756 baptize,907 but235 his846 disciples),3101 3 he left863 Judea,2449 and2532 departed565 3825 into1519 Galilee.1056 4 1161 He846 needed1163 to pass1330 through1223 Samaria.4540 5 So3767 he2064 came to1519 a city4172 of Samaria,4540 called3004 Sychar,4965 near4139 the parcel of ground5564 that3739 Jacob2384 gave1325 to5207 his846 son,5207 Joseph.2501 6 1161 Jacob's2384 well4077 was2258 there.1563 Jesus2424 therefore,3767 being tired2872 from1537 his journey,3597 sat2516 down3779 by1909 the well.4077 It was2258 about5616 the5610 sixth1623 hour.5610{noon} 7 A woman1135 of1537 Samaria4540 came2064 to draw501 water.5204 Jesus2424 said3004 to her,846 "Give1325 me3427 a drink."4095 8 For1063 his846 disciples3101 had gone away565 into1519 the city4172 to2443 buy59 food.5160

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