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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
30 Verses Found

Job 39:1 Knowest3045 thou the time6256 when the wild goats3277 of the rock5553 bring forth?3205 or canst thou mark8104 when the hinds355 do calve?2342 2 Canst thou number5608 the months3391 that they fulfil?4390 or knowest3045 thou the time6256 when they bring forth?3205 3 They bow3766 themselves, they bring forth6398 their young ones,3206 they cast out7971 their sorrows.2256 4 Their young ones1121 are in good liking,2492 they grow up7235 with corn;1250 they go forth,3318 and return7725 not unto them.

Job 39:5 Who hath sent out7971 the wild ass6501 free?2670 or who hath loosed6605 the bands4147 of the wild ass?6171 6 Whose house1004 I have made7760 the wilderness,6160 and the barren4420 land{Heb. salt places} his dwellings.4908 7 He scorneth7832 the multitude1995 of the city,7151 neither regardeth8085 he the crying8663 of the driver.5065{Heb. of the exactor} 8 The range3491 of the mountains2022 is his pasture,4829 and he searcheth1875 after310 every green thing.3387

Job 39:9 Will the unicorn7214 be willing14 to serve5647 thee, or abide3885 by thy crib?18 10 Canst thou bind7194 the unicorn7214 with his band5688 in the furrow?8525 or will he harrow7702 the valleys6010 after310 thee? 11 Wilt thou trust982 him, because his strength3581 is great?7227 or wilt thou leave5800 thy labour3018 to him? 12 Wilt thou believe539 him, that he will bring home7725 7725 thy seed,2233 and gather622 it into thy barn?1637

Job 39:13 Gavest thou the goodly7443 wings3671 unto the peacocks?5965 or wings84 and feathers2624 unto the ostrich?5133{Or, the feathers of the Stork and Ostrich} 14 Which leaveth5800 her eggs1000 in the earth,776 and warmeth2552 them in dust,6083 15 And forgetteth7911 that the foot7272 may crush2115 them, or that the wild7704 beast2416 may break1758 them. 16 She is hardened7188 against her young ones,1121 as though they were not3808 hers: her labour3018 is in vain7385 without fear;6343 17 Because God433 hath deprived5382 her of wisdom,2451 neither hath he imparted2505 to her understanding.998 18 What time6256 she lifteth up4754 herself on high,4791 she scorneth7832 the horse5483 and his rider.7392

Job 39:19 Hast thou given5414 the horse5483 strength?1369 hast thou clothed3847 his neck6677 with thunder?7483 20 Canst thou make him afraid7493 as a grasshopper?697 the glory1935 of his nostrils5170 is terrible.367{Heb. terror} 21 He paweth2658{Or, His feet dig} in the valley,6010 and rejoiceth7797 in his strength:3581 he goeth on3318 to meet7125 the armed men.5402{Heb. the armour} 22 He mocketh7832 at fear,6343 and is not affrighted;2865 neither turneth he back7725 from6440 the sword.2719 23 The quiver827 rattleth7439 against him, the glittering3851 spear2595 and the shield.3591 24 He swalloweth1572 the ground776 with fierceness7494 and rage:7267 neither believeth539 he that it is the sound6963 of the trumpet.7782 25 He saith559 among1767 the trumpets,7782 Ha,1889 ha;1889 and he smelleth7306 the battle4421 afar off,7350 the thunder7482 of the captains,8269 and the shouting.8643

Job 39:26 Doth the hawk5322 fly82 by thy wisdom,998 and stretch6566 her wings3671 toward the south?8486 27 Doth the eagle5404 mount up1361 at thy command,6310{Heb. by thy mouth} and make7311 2794 her nest7064 on high?7311 28 She dwelleth7931 and abideth3885 on the rock,5553 upon the crag8127 of the rock,5553 and the strong place.4686 29 From thence she seeketh2658 the prey,400 and her eyes5869 behold5027 afar off.7350 30 Her young ones667 also suck up5966 blood:1818 and where the slain2491 are, there is she.1931

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