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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
23 Verses Found

Job 27:1 Job347 again took3254 up his parable,4912 and said,559 2 "As God410 lives,2416 who has taken away5493 my right,4941 the Almighty,7706 who has made my soul5315 bitter.4843 3 (For the length5750 of my life5397 is still in me, and the spirit7307 of God433 is in my nostrils);639 4 surely my lips8193 shall not speak1696 unrighteousness,5766 neither shall my tongue3956 utter1897 deceit.7423 5 Far be it2486 from me that I should justify6663 you. Until I die1478 I will not put away5493 my integrity8538 from me. 6 I hold2388 fast to my righteousness,6666 and will not let it go.7503 My heart3824 shall not reproach2778 me so long as I live.3117

Job 27:7 "Let my enemy341 be as the wicked.7563 Let him who rises up6965 against me be as the unrighteous.5767 8 For what is the hope8615 of the godless,2611 when he is cut off,1214 when God433 takes away7953 his life?5315 9 Will God410 hear8085 his cry6818 when trouble6869 comes935 on him? 10 Will he delight6026 himself in the Almighty,7706 and call7121 on God433 at all times?6256 11 I will teach3384 you about the hand3027 of God.410 That which is with the Almighty7706 will I not conceal.3582 12 Behold, all of you have seen2372 it yourselves; why then have you become altogether1892 vain?1891

Job 27:13 "This is the portion2506 of a wicked7563 man120 with God,410 the heritage5159 of oppressors,6184 which they receive3947 from the Almighty.7706 14 If his children1121 are multiplied,7235 it is for3926 the sword.2719 His offspring6631 shall not be satisfied7646 with bread.3899 15 Those who remain8300 of him shall be buried6912 in death.4194 His widows490 shall make no lamentation.1058 16 Though he heap up6651 silver3701 as the dust,6083 and prepare3559 clothing4403 as the clay;2563 17 he may prepare3559 it, but the just6662 shall put it on,3847 and the innocent5355 shall divide2505 the silver.3701 18 He builds1129 his house1004 as the moth,6211 as a booth5521 which the watchman5341 makes.6213 19 He lies down7901 rich,6223 but he shall not do so again.622 He opens6491 his eyes,5869 and he is not. 20 Terrors1091 overtake5381 him like waters.4325 A storm5492 steals him away1589 in the night.3915 21 The east6921 wind carries him away,5375 and he departs.3212 It sweeps8175 him out of his place.4725 22 For it hurls7993 at him, and does not spare,2550 as he flees1272 away from his hand.3027 23 Men shall clap5606 their hands3709 at him, and shall hiss8319 him out of his place.4725

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