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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
12 Verses Found

Job 31:1 "I made3772 a covenant1285 with my eyes,5869 how then should I look995 lustfully at a young woman?1330 2 For what is the portion2506 from God433 above,4605 and the heritage5159 from the Almighty7706 on high?4791 3 Is it not calamity343 to the unrighteous,5767 and disaster5235 to the workers6466 of iniquity?205 4 Doesn't he see7200 my ways,1870 and number5608 all my steps?6806

Job 31:5 "If I have walked1980 with falsehood,7723 and my foot7272 has hurried2363 to deceit4820 6 (let me be weighed8254 in an even6664 balance,3976 that God433 may know3045 my integrity);8538 7 if my step838 has turned out5186 of the way,1870 if my heart3820 walked1980 after310 my eyes,5869 if any defilement3971 has stuck1692 to my hands,3709 8 then let me sow,2232 and let another312 eat.398 Yes, let the produce6631 of my field be rooted out.8327

Job 31:9 "If my heart3820 has been enticed6601 to a woman,802 and I have laid wait693 at my neighbor's7453 door,6607 10 then let my wife802 grind2912 for another,312 and let others312 sleep3766 with her. 11 For that would be a heinous crime.2154 Yes, it would be an iniquity5771 to be punished by the judges:6414 12 For it is a fire784 that consumes398 to destruction,11 and would root out8327 all my increase.8393

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