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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
17 Verses Found

Job 1:6 Now it happened on the day3117 when God's430 sons1121 came935 to present3320 themselves before Yahweh,3068{“Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations.} that Satan7854 also came935 among8432 them. 7 Yahweh3068 said559 to Satan,7854 "Where370 have you come935 from?" Then Satan7854 answered6030 Yahweh,3068 and said,559 "From going back and forth7751 in the earth,776 and from walking up and down1980 in it."

Job 1:8 Yahweh3068 said559 to Satan,7854 "Have you considered7760 my servant,5650 Job?347 For there is none like him in the earth,776 a blameless8535 and an upright3477 man,376 one376 who fears3373 God,430 and turns away from evil."7451

Job 1:9 Then Satan7854 answered6030 Yahweh,3068 and said,559 "Does Job347 fear3372 God430 for nothing?2600 10 Haven't you made a hedge7753 around him, and around1157 his house,1004 and around all that he has, on every side?5439 You have blessed1288 the work4639 of his hands,3027 and his substance4735 is increased6555 in the land.776 11 But199 put forth7971 your hand3027 now, and touch5060 all that he has, and he will renounce1288 you to your face."6440

Job 1:12 Yahweh3068 said559 to Satan,7854 "Behold,{“Behold”, from “הִנֵּה”, means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.} all that he has is in your power.3027 Only on himself don't put forth7971 your hand."3027 So Satan7854 went forth7971 from the presence6440 of Yahweh.3068 13 It fell on a day3117 when his sons1121 and his daughters1323 were eating398 and drinking8354 wine3196 in their eldest1060 brother's251 house,1004 14 that there came935 a messenger4397 to Job,347 and said,559 "The oxen1241 were plowing,2790 and the donkeys860 feeding7462 beside3027 them, 15 and the Sabeans7614 attacked,5307 and took them away.3947 Yes, they have killed5221 the servants5288 with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and I alone have escaped4422 to tell5046 you."

Job 1:16 While he was still speaking,1696 there also came935 another, and said,559 "The fire784 of God430 has fallen5307 from the sky,8064 and has burned up1197 the sheep6629 and the servants,5288 and consumed398 them, and I alone have escaped4422 to tell5046 you."

Job 1:17 While he was still speaking,1696 there came935 also another, and said,559 "The Chaldeans3778 made7760 three7969 bands,7218 and swept6584 down on the camels,1581 and have taken them away,3947 yes, and killed5221 the servants5288 with the edge6310 of the sword;2719 and I alone have escaped4422 to tell5046 you."

Job 1:18 While he was still speaking,1696 there came935 also another, and said,559 "Your sons1121 and your daughters1323 were eating398 and drinking8354 wine3196 in their eldest1060 brother's251 house,1004 19 and behold, there came935 a great1419 wind7307 from5676 the wilderness,4057 and struck5060 the four702 corners6438 of the house,1004 and it fell5307 on the young men,5288 and they are dead.4191 I alone have escaped4422 to tell5046 you."

Job 1:20 Then Job347 arose,6965 and tore7167 his robe,4598 and shaved1494 his head,7218 and fell down5307 on the ground,776 and worshiped.7812 21 He said,559 "Naked6174 I came out3318 of my mother's517 womb,990 and naked6174 shall I return7725 there. Yahweh3068 gave,5414 and Yahweh3068 has taken away.3947 Blessed1288 be the name8034 of Yahweh."3068 22 In all this, Job347 did not sin,2398 nor charge5414 God430 with wrongdoing.8604

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