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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
3 Verses Found

Jeremiah 10:10 But Yahweh3068 is the true571 God;430 he is the living2416 God,430 and an everlasting5769 King:4428 at his wrath7110 the earth776 trembles,7493 and the nations1471 are not able to withstand3557 his indignation.2195 11 You1836 shall say560 this to them: The gods426 that have not3809 made5648 the heavens8065 and the earth,778 these shall perish7 from the earth,772 and from under8460 the429 heavens.8065 12 He has made6213 the earth776 by his power,3581 he has established3559 the world8398 by his wisdom,2451 and by his understanding2451 has he stretched out5186 the heavens:8064

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