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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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James 1:19 So, then,5620 my3450 beloved27 brothers,80 let every3956 man444 be2077 swift5036 to1519 hear,191 slow1021 to1519 speak,2980 and slow1021 to1519 anger;3709 20 for1063 the anger3709 of man435 doesn't3756 produce2716 the righteousness1343 of God.2316 21 Therefore,1352 putting away659 all3956 filthiness4507 and2532 overflowing4050 of wickedness,2549 receive1209 with1722 humility4240 the implanted1721 word,3056 which3588 is able1410 to save4982 your5216 souls.5590{or, preserve your life.}

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