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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
21 Verses Found

Isaiah 57:1 The righteous6662 perishes,6 and no man376 lays7760 it to heart;3820 and merciful2617 men582 are taken away,622 none considering995 that the righteous6662 is taken away622 from6440 the evil.7451 2 He enters935 into peace;7965 they rest5117 in their beds,4904 each one who walks1980 in his uprightness.5228

Isaiah 57:3 {or, seed} "But draw near7126 here, you sons1121 of the sorceress,6049 the seed2233 of the adulterer5003 and the prostitute.2181 4 Against whom do you sport6026 yourselves? Against whom do you make a wide7337 mouth,6310 and stick out748 your tongue?3956{or, seed} Aren't you children3206 of disobedience,6588 a seed2233 of falsehood,8267 5 you who inflame2552 yourselves among the oaks,410 under every green7488 tree;6086 who kill7819 the children3206 in the valleys,5158 under the clefts5585 of the rocks?5553 6 Among the smooth2511 stones of the valley5158 is your portion;2506 they, they are your lot;1486 you have even poured8210 a drink offering5262 to them. You have offered5927 an offering.4503 Shall I be appeased5162 for these things? 7 On a high5375 and lofty1364 mountain2022 you have set7760 your bed;4904 there also you went up5927 to offer2076 sacrifice.2077 8 Behind310 the doors1817 and the posts4201 you have set up7760 your memorial:2146 for you have uncovered1540 to someone besides me, and have gone up;5927 you have enlarged7337 your bed,4904 and made3772 you a covenant with them: you loved157 their bed4904 where3027 you saw2372 it. 9 You went7788 to the king4428 with oil,8081 and increased7235 your perfumes,7547{Sheol is the place of the dead.} and sent7971 your ambassadors6735 far off,7350 and debased8213 yourself even to Sheol.7585 10 You were wearied3021 with the length7230 of your way;1870 yet you didn't say,559 ‘It is in vain.'2976 You found4672 a reviving2416 of your strength;3027 therefore you weren't faint.2470

Isaiah 57:11 "Of whom have you been afraid1672 and in fear,3372 that you lie,3576 and have not remembered2142 me, nor laid7760 it to your heart?3820 Haven't I held my peace2814 even of long time,5769 and you don't fear3372 me? 12 I will declare5046 your righteousness;6666 and as for your works,4639 they shall not profit3276 you. 13 When you cry,2199 let those who you have gathered deliver5337 you; but the wind7307 shall take3947 them, a breath1892 shall carry them all away:5375 but he who takes3947 refuge2620 in me shall possess5157 the land,776 and shall inherit3423 my holy6944 mountain."2022

Isaiah 57:14 He will say,559 "Cast up,5549 cast up,5549 prepare6437 the way,1870 take up7311 the stumbling-block4383 out of the way1870 of my people."5971 15 For thus says559 the high7311 and lofty One5375 who inhabits7931 eternity,5703 whose name8034 is Holy:6918 "I dwell7931 in the high4791 and holy6918 place, with him also who is of a contrite1793 and humble8217 spirit,7307 to revive2421 the spirit7307 of the humble,8217 and to revive2421 the heart3820 of the contrite.1792 16 For I will not contend7378 forever,5769 neither will I be always5331 angry;7107 for the spirit7307 would faint5848 before6440 me, and the souls5397 who I have made.6213 17 For the iniquity5771 of his covetousness1215 was I angry,7107 and struck5221 him; I hid5641 myself and was angry;7107 and he went on3212 backsliding7726 in the way1870 of his heart.3820 18 I have seen7200 his ways,1870 and will heal7495 him: I will lead5148 him also, and restore7999 comforts5150 to him and to his mourners.57 19 I create1254 the fruit5108 of the lips:8193 Peace,7965 peace,7965 to him who is far off7350 and to him who is near,"7138 says559 Yahweh;3068 "and I will heal7495 them." 20 But the wicked7563 are like the troubled1644 sea;3220 for it can't3201 rest,8252 and its waters4325 cast up1644 mire7516 and dirt.2916 21 "There is no peace,"7965 says559 my God,430 "for the wicked."7563

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