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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
5 Verses Found

Isaiah 6:1 In the year8141 that king4428 Uzziah5818 died,4194 I saw7200 the853 Lord136 sitting3427 on a throne,3678 high7311 and lifted up;5375 and his train7757 filled4392 the temple.1964 2 Above4605 him stood5975 the seraphim.8314 Each259 one had six8337 wings.3671 With two8147 he covered3680 his face.6440 With two8147 he covered3680 his feet.7272 With two8147 he flew.5774 3 One called7121 to another, and said,559 "Holy,6918 holy,6918 holy,6918 is Yahweh3068 of Armies!6635 The whole earth776 is full4393 of his glory!"3519

Isaiah 6:4 The foundations520 of the thresholds5592 shook5128 at the voice6963 of him who called,7121 and the house1004 was filled4390 with smoke.6227 5 Then I said,559 "Woe188 is me! For I am undone,1820 because I am a man376 of unclean2931 lips,8193 and I dwell3427 in the midst8432 of a people5971 of unclean2931 lips:8193 for my eyes5869 have seen7200 the King,4428 Yahweh3068 of Armies!"6635

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