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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent5175 was1961 more subtle6175 than any animal2416 of the field7704 which Yahweh3068 God430 had made.6213 He said559 to the woman,802 "Has637 God430 really said,559 ‘You shall not eat398 of any tree6086 of the garden?'"1588

Genesis 3:2 The woman802 said559 to the serpent,5175 "Of the fruit6529 of the trees6086 of the garden1588 we may eat,398 ...

Genesis 3:4 The serpent5175 said559 to the woman,802 "You won't surely4191 die,4191 ...

Genesis 3:13 Yahweh3068 God430 said559 to the woman,802 "What is this you have done?"6213 The woman802 said,559 "The serpent5175 deceived me,5377 and I ate."398

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