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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Genesis 28:10 Jacob3290 went3212 out3318 from Beersheba, and went3212 toward Haran.2771 11 He came6293 to a certain place,4725 and stayed there all night,3885 because the sun8121 had set.935 He took3947 one of the stones68 of the place,4725 and put7760 it under his head,4763 and lay down7901 in that place4725 to sleep.7901 12 He dreamed.2492 Behold, a stairway5551 set upon5324 the earth,776 and its7218 top reached5060 to heaven.8064 Behold, the angels4397 of God430 ascending5927 and descending3381 on it. 13 Behold, Yahweh3068 stood5324 above it, and said,559 "I am Yahweh,3068 the God430 of Abraham85 your father,1 and the God430 of Isaac.3327 The land776 whereon you lie,7901 to you will I give it,5414 and to your seed.2233

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