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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Exodus 32:1 And when the people5971 saw7200 that Moses4872 delayed954 to come down3381 from the mount,2022 the people5971 gathered themselves together6950 unto Aaron,175 and said559 unto him, Up,6965 make6213 us gods,430{Or, a god} which shall go3212 before6440 us; for as for this Moses,4872 the man376 that brought5927 us up out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 we know not what is become of him.3045 2 And Aaron175 said559 unto them, Break off6561 the golden2091 rings,5141 which are in the ears241 of your wives,802 of your sons,1121 and of your daughters,1323 and bring them unto me.935 3 And all the people5971 brake off6561 the golden2091 rings5141 which were in their ears,241 and brought935 them unto Aaron.175 4 And he received3947 it at their hand,3027 and fashioned6696 it with a graving tool,2747 and made6213 it a molten4541 calf:5695 and they said,559 These{Or, This is thy God} are thy gods,430 O Israel,3478 which brought5927 thee up out of the land776 of Egypt. 5 And when Aaron175 saw7200 this, he built1129 an altar4196 before6440 it; and Aaron175 made proclamation,7121 and said,559 To-morrow4279 shall be a feast2282 to Jehovah.3068 6 And they rose up early7925 on the morrow,4283 and offered5927 burnt-offerings,5930 and brought5066 peace-offerings;8002 and the people5971 sat3427 down to eat398 and to drink,8354 and rose up6965 to play.6711

Exodus 32:7 And Jehovah3068 spake1696 unto Moses,4872 Go,3212 get thee down;3381 for thy people,5971 that thou broughtest5927 up out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 have corrupted themselves:7843 8 they have turned5493 aside quickly4118 out of the way1870 which I commanded6680 them: they have made6213 them a molten4541 calf,5695 and have worshipped7812 it, and have sacrificed2076 unto it, and said,559 These are thy gods,430 O Israel,3478 which brought thee up5927 out of the land776 of Egypt.4714 9 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto Moses,4872 I have seen7200 this people,5971 and, behold, it is a stiffnecked7186 people:5971 10 now therefore let me alone,3240 that my wrath639 may wax hot2734 against them, and that I may consume3615 them: and I will make6213 of thee a great1419 nation.1471 11 And Moses4872 besought2470 Jehovah3068 his God,430 and said,559 Jehovah,3068 why doth thy wrath639 wax hot2734 against thy people,5971 that thou hast brought forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt4714 with great1419 power3581 and with a mighty2389 hand?3027 12 Wherefore should the Egyptians4714 speak,559 saying,559 For evil7451 did he bring3318 them forth, to slay2026 them in the mountains,2022 and to consume3615 them from the face6440 of the earth?127 Turn7725 from thy fierce2740 wrath,639 and repent5162 of this evil7451 against thy people.5971 13 Remember2142 Abraham,85 Isaac,3327 and Israel,3478 thy servants,5650 to whom thou swarest7650 by thine own self, and saidst1696 unto them, I will multiply7235 your seed2233 as the stars3556 of heaven,8064 and all this land776 that I have spoken559 of will I give5414 unto your seed,2233 and they shall inherit5157 it for ever.5769 14 And Jehovah3068 repented5162 of the evil7451 which he said1696 he would do6213 unto his people.5971

Exodus 32:15 And Moses4872 turned,6437 and went down3381 from the mount,2022 with the two8147 tables3871 of the testimony5715 in his hand;3027 tables3871 that were written3789 on both8147 their sides;5676 on the one side and on the other were they written.3789 16 And the tables3871 were the work4639 of God,430 and the writing4385 was the writing4385 of God,430 graven2801 upon the tables.3871 17 And when Joshua3091 heard8085 the noise6963 of the people5971 as they shouted,7452 he said559 unto Moses,4872 There is a noise6963 of war4421 in the camp.4264 18 And he said,559 It is not the voice6963 of them that shout6030 for mastery,1369 neither is it the voice6963 of them that cry6030 for being overcome;2476 but the noise6963 of them that sing6031 do I hear.8085 19 And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh7126 unto the camp,4264 that he saw7200 the calf5695 and the dancing:4246 and Moses'4872 anger639 waxed hot,2734 and he cast7993 the tables3871 out of his hands,3027 and brake7665 them beneath8478 the mount.2022 20 And he took3947 the calf5695 which they had made,6213 and burnt8313 it with fire,784 and ground2912 it to powder,1854 and strewed2219 it upon6440 the water,4325 and made the children1121 of Israel3478 drink of it.8248

Exodus 32:21 And Moses4872 said559 unto Aaron,175 What did6213 this people5971 unto thee, that thou hast brought935 a great1419 sin upon them?2401 22 And Aaron175 said,559 Let not the anger639 of my lord113 wax hot:2734 thou knowest3045 the people,5971 that they are set on evil.7451 23 For they said559 unto me, Make6213 us gods,430 which shall go3212 before6440 us; for as for this Moses,4872 the man376 that brought us up5927 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 we know not what is become of him.3045 24 And I said559 unto them, Whosoever hath any gold,2091 let them break6561 it off: so they gave5414 it me; and I cast7993 it into the fire,784 and there came out3318 this calf.5695

Exodus 32:25 And when Moses4872 saw7200 that the people5971 were broken loose,6544 (for Aaron175 had let them loose6544 for a derision8103{Hebrew whispering.} among their enemies,)6965 26 then Moses4872 stood5975 in the gate8179 of the camp,4264 and said,559 Whoso is on Jehovah's3068 side, let him come unto me. And all the sons1121 of Levi3878 gathered themselves together unto him.622 27 And he said559 unto them, Thus saith559 Jehovah,3068 the God430 of Israel,3478 Put7760 ye every man376 his sword2719 upon his thigh,3409 and go5674 to7725 and fro from gate8179 to gate8179 throughout the camp,4264 and slay2026 every man376 his brother,251 and every man376 his companion,7453 and every man376 his neighbor.7138 28 And the sons1121 of Levi3878 did6213 according to the word1697 of Moses:4872 and there fell5307 of the people5971 that day3117 about three7969 thousand505 men.376 29 And Moses4872 said,559 Consecrate{Hebrew Fill your hand.} yourselves4390 to-day3117 to Jehovah,3068 yea,3588{Or, for every man hath been against his son and against his brother} every man376 against{Or, upon} his son,1121 and against{Or, upon} his brother;251 that he may bestow5414 upon you a blessing1293 this day.3117

Exodus 32:30 And it came to pass on the morrow,4283 that Moses4872 said559 unto the people,5971 Ye have sinned2398 a great1419 sin:2401 and now I will go up5927 unto Jehovah;3068 peradventure194 I shall make atonement3722 for1157 your sin.2403 31 And Moses4872 returned7725 unto Jehovah,3068 and said,559 Oh,577 this people5971 have sinned2398 a great1419 sin,2401 and have made6213 them gods430 of gold.2091 32 Yet now, if thou wilt forgive5375 their sin—;2403 and if not, blot4229 me, I pray thee, out of thy book5612 which thou hast written.3789 33 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto Moses,4872 Whosoever834 hath sinned2398 against me, him will I blot out4229 of my book.5612 34 And now go,3212 lead5148 the people5971 unto the place of which I have spoken1696 unto thee: behold, mine angel4397 shall go3212 before6440 thee; nevertheless in the day3117 when I visit,6485 I will visit6485 their sin upon them.2403 35 And Jehovah3068 smote5062 the people,5971 because834 they made6213 the calf,5695 which834 Aaron175 made.6213

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