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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
25 Verses Found

Exodus 19:1 In the third7992 month2320 after the children1121 of Israel3478 were gone forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 the same day3117 came935 they into the wilderness4057 of Sinai.5514 2 And when they were departed5265 from Rephidim,7508 and were come935 to the wilderness4057 of Sinai,5514 they encamped2583 in the wilderness;4057 and there Israel3478 encamped2583 before the mount.2022 3 And Moses4872 went up5927 unto God,430 and Jehovah3068 called7121 unto him out of the mountain,2022 saying,559 Thus shalt thou say559 to the house1004 of Jacob,3290 and tell559 the children1121 of Israel:3478 4 Ye have seen7200 what I did6213 unto the Egyptians,4714 and how I bare5375 you on eagles'5404 wings,3671 and brought you unto myself.935 5 Now therefore, if ye will obey8085 my voice6963 indeed,8085 and keep8104 my covenant,1285 then ye shall be mine own possession5459 from{Or, above} among all peoples:5971 for all the earth is mine:776 6 and ye shall be unto me a kingdom4467 of priests,3548 and a holy6918 nation.1471 These are the words1697 which thou shalt speak1696 unto the children1121 of Israel.3478

Exodus 19:7 And Moses4872 came935 and called7121 for the elders2205 of the people,5971 and set before them all these words1697 which Jehovah3068 commanded him.6680 8 And all the people5971 answered6030 together,3162 and said,559 All that Jehovah3068 hath spoken1696 we will do.6213 And Moses4872 reported7725 the words1697 of the people5971 unto Jehovah.3068 9 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto Moses,4872 Lo, I come935 unto thee in a thick5645 cloud,6051 that the people5971 may hear8085 when I speak1696 with thee, and may also believe539 thee for ever.5769 And Moses4872 told5046 the words1697 of the people5971 unto Jehovah.3068 10 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto Moses,4872 Go3212 unto the people,5971 and sanctify6942 them to-day3117 and to-morrow,4279 and let them wash3526 their garments,8071 11 and be ready3559 against the third7992 day;3117 for the third7992 day3117 Jehovah3068 will come down3381 in the sight5869 of all the people5971 upon mount2022 Sinai.5514 12 And thou shalt set bounds1379 unto the people5971 round about,5439 saying,559 Take heed8104 to yourselves, that ye go not up5927 into the mount,2022 or touch5060 the border7097 of it: whosoever toucheth5060 the mount2022 shall be surely4191 put to death:4191 13 no hand3027 shall touch5060 him,{Or, it} but he shall surely5619 be stoned,5619 or176 shot3384 through;3384 whether it be beast929 or176 man,376 he shall not live:2421 when the trumpet3104{Or, ram’s horn} soundeth long,4900 they shall come up5927 to the mount.2022 14 And Moses4872 went down3381 from the mount2022 unto the people,5971 and sanctified6942 the people;5971 and they washed3526 their garments.8071 15 And he said559 unto the people,5971 Be1961 ready3559 against the third7969 day:3117 come5066 not near a woman.802

Exodus 19:16 And it came to pass on the third7992 day,3117 when it was morning,1242 that there were thunders6963 and lightnings,1300 and a thick3515 cloud6051 upon the mount,2022 and the voice6963 of a trumpet7782 exceeding3966 loud;2389 and all the people5971 that were in the camp4264 trembled.2729 17 And Moses4872 brought forth3318 the people5971 out of the camp4264 to meet7125 God;430 and they stood3320 at the nether8482 part of the mount.2022 18 And mount2022 Sinai,5514 the whole of it, smoked,6225 because6440 Jehovah3068 descended3381 upon it in fire;784 and the smoke6227 thereof ascended5927 as the smoke6227 of a furnace,3536 and the whole mount2022 quaked2729 greatly.3966 19 And when the voice6963 of the trumpet7782 waxed6963 louder1980 and2390 louder,2390 Moses4872 spake,1696 and God430 answered6030 him by a voice.6963 20 And Jehovah3068 came down3381 upon mount2022 Sinai,5514 to the top7218 of the mount:2022 and Jehovah3068 called7121 Moses4872 to413 the top413 of the mount;2022 and Moses4872 went up.5927 21 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto Moses,4872 Go down,3381 charge5749 the people,5971 lest they break through2040 unto Jehovah3068 to gaze,7200 and many7227 of them perish.5307 22 And let the priests3548 also, that come near5066 to Jehovah,3068 sanctify6942 themselves, lest Jehovah3068 break forth upon them.6555 23 And Moses4872 said559 unto Jehovah,3068 The people5971 cannot3201 come up5927 to mount2022 Sinai:5514 for thou didst charge5749 us, saying,559 Set bounds1379 about the mount,2022 and sanctify it.6942 24 And Jehovah3068 said559 unto him, Go,3212 get thee down;3381 and thou shalt come up,5927 thou, and Aaron175 with thee: but let not the priests3548 and the people5971 break through2040 to come up5927 unto Jehovah,3068 lest he break forth upon them.6555 25 So Moses4872 went down3381 unto the people,5971 and told them.559

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