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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Exodus 4:14 The anger639 of Yahweh3068 was kindled2734 against Moses,4872 and he said,559 "What about Aaron,175 your brother,251 the Levite?3881 I know3045 that he can speak1696 well.1696 Also, behold, he comes out3318 to meet7125 you. When he sees7200 you, he will be glad8055 in his heart.3820 15 You shall speak1696 to him, and put7760 the words1697 in his mouth.6310 I will be with your mouth,6310 and with his mouth,6310 and will teach3384 you what you shall do.6213 16 He will be your spokesman1696 to the people;5971 and it will happen, that he will be to you a mouth,6310 and you will be to him as God.430

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