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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
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Exodus 23:20 "Behold, I send7971 an angel4397 before6440 you, to keep8104 you by the way,1870 and to bring935 you into the place4725 which I have prepared.3559 21 Pay attention8104 to6440 him, and listen8085 to his voice.6963 Don't provoke4843 him, for he will not pardon5375 your disobedience,6588 for my name8034 is in him.7130 22 But if you indeed8085 listen8085 to his voice,6963 and do6213 all that I speak,1696 then I will be an enemy340 to your enemies,341 and an adversary6887 to your adversaries.6696 23 For my angel4397 shall go3212 before6440 you, and bring935 you in to the Amorite,567 the Hittite,2850 the Perizzite,6522 the Canaanite,3669 the Hivite,2340 and the Jebusite;2983 and I will cut them off.3582

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