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S i m p l e   B i b l e   ver. 3.0
4 Verses Found

Exodus 20:8 "Remember2142 the Sabbath7676 day,3117 to keep it holy.6942 9 You shall labor5647 six8337 days,3117 and do6213 all your work,4399 10 but the seventh7637 day3117 is a Sabbath7676 to Yahweh3068 your God.430 You shall not do6213 any work4399 in it, you, nor your son,1121 nor your daughter,1323 your male servant,5650 nor your female servant,519 nor your livestock,929 nor your stranger1616 who is within your gates;8179 11 for in six8337 days3117 Yahweh3068 made6213 heaven8064 and earth,776 the sea,3220 and all that is in them, and rested5117 the seventh7637 day;3117 therefore Yahweh3068 blessed1288 the Sabbath7676 day,3117 and made it holy.6942

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